Total Commander 9.51 LitePack / PowerPack 2020.3 Final (2020) PC | + Portable by SamLab download torrent

The advantages of Total Commander include the following characteristics:

  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • fast execution of file operations;
  • comfortable interface with support for a large number of languages;
  • copying files, namely dragging them into the desired folder;
  • the presence of “hot keys” for control (if the mouse breaks, for example);
  • location of the utility on the toolbar for quick access;
  • stability of the application;
  • work with removable media without the need to install a utility;
  • ability to download additional plugins.

Download Total Commander, which can become your indispensable assistant.

Total Commander 9.50 Final (2020) PC | +Portable


Total Commander 9.50 Final (32/64)

User interface:

dark mode since Windows XP, full support for Windows 10 1809 (fall 2018), unofficially also with older versions of Windows (ForceDarkModeOptions = 1)

The mouse cursor now jumps to the button by default if this is enabled in the Control Panel under Mouse.

Show up to 3 connected USB devices without drive letter (eg phones, tablets) also in the drive button bar.

The directory history length has been increased to 200 (configurable using HistoryLenStored). Magazine

: Only directories where the user has performed some operation are displayed (configurable). Alt + Shift + Down Arrow shows the full history.

Drive drop-down list, drive button panel. Display an "eject" overlay over the drive icon for removable drives

When scrolling through file lists using the keyboard, leave a margin of 4 lines above/below the current position (configurable).

Directory panels: Show for hardlinks/softlinks to files instead of size 0.

Quick View Ctrl+Q: Show link target content instead of file content

lnk. Configuration - Options - Show: New "Add" option to display folders as Folder instead of [Folder].

Internal Associations: Optional: Add additional verbs from ALL matching filters, defaulting to only "open" from the first match

Show "New" submenu also in the context menu for entry [..] to create a new file in the current directory

Windows 10, context menu: "Share" menu item did nothing -> handle it internally

Quick Search Dialog: Clear search using Ctrl+Y.

Right click on the directory tab -> "Recently Closed Tabs".

Display the location of the Total Commander EXE file in the "

File Operations":

Archives: select the code page when unpacking files, for example, to unpack names with Cyrillic characters. , Show [Auto] or the selected encoding in the tab title.

OneDrive Folder: Handles folders that appear as links to the file system.

Copy dialog F5: support directory hotlist (Ctrl + D).

Creating CRC checksums: new options to use Unix format and always use

UTF-8 support substrings from environment variables, e.g. %variable: ~2.3%

FTP/Filesystem plugins:

transfer from FTP server to FTP server using F5: ability to copy via local PC

Transfer from/to FTP/FS plugins: support for copy filters such as local file copy function e.g. *.txt | excluded directory

FTP, upload/download from F5 - F2 in background: client certificate support

RestrictInterface = 6144: Restrict all plugins, or 4096: Only allow plugins with a valid digital signature


multiple rename: new placeholder [c] = number of files in list

New placeholder [S] = file size.

Tree Alt + F10:

ability to use "All" to load the tree.

Combobox to change disk, open with Alt + F1 or Alt + F2.


Search with "All": Show percentage of search results transferred to Total Commander

Improved search in Office XML files (e.g. .docx, .ods, etc.): Search for accented characters

Automatically check for "All" option when using ev: or ed: prefix in search field

Option to search only in search results

View previous search results

Lister (F3) :

Determine which presentation method and plugin should be used when opening, separately by file type, for example, all jpg files with an internal image viewer.

Press "8" to show preview as explorer (uses IPreviewHandler or IThumbnailProvider if first is not available)

Support JPG/PNG/GIF printing in Lister with internal image viewer.

Compare by content:

Set the color for underlined search results.

Synchronize directories:

Use Ctrl + PageUp / PageDown to move to the next / previous directory.

Internal commands:

New internal commands with parameters: LOADSELECTION, SAVESELECTION, SAVEDETAILS plus ANSI/Unicode versions

cm_ModernShare allows you to directly use the new Windows 10 context menu item "Sharing"

cm_ChangeArchiveEncoding to open the archive encoding pop-up menu

cm_MoveTabLeft and cm_MoveTabRight to manually move the current tab

The commander provides several additional functions:

  • renaming files as a group;
  • ability to rename the file extension;
  • file synchronization;
  • the ability to print on a printer objects that are selected from the list;
  • displaying data about the OS and computer;
  • working with an FTP server;
  • easy file search. Even if you have forgotten the name of the file, you will find it by its format. Compared to Explorer, the app's processing is faster.

The disadvantage of Total Commander is the ability to work only with Windows. If you have another OS, you will have to download a similar utility.

Total Commander is absolutely not a resource-intensive application; There are no restrictions on hardware.

Download Commander if you don't want to work with the standard method of managing files on your PC. The utility will become your ideal file manager.

Data and disks ⇒ Total Commander 9.51 LitePack | PowerPack 2020.3

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Multilingual registered regular and portable versions in one installer.
Total Commander
is the most popular file manager that allows you to perform a variety of actions with any files on your hard drives, work with archives, multimedia data, and so on.

Main features:

  • Updated user interface: flat buttons for Windows XP, new icons for files, archives, disk buttons, etc.;
  • Ability to set different colors for the background of files and folders;
  • Editing and manual synchronization mode when comparing files by content;
  • A separate window with a folder tree for each panel - a new concept for Total Commander that will especially appeal to owners of widescreen monitors;
  • The built-in Lister now has the ability to display a cursor, center images, and reduce large images;
  • Ability to change the values ​​of content plugin fields in the attribute change dialog;
  • File operations log;
  • Display drive letter in tabs;
  • Support for custom columns and page thumbnails for system plugins;
  • The bulk file renaming tool allows you to edit file names directly;
  • Added new options in the copy dialog when overwriting files: comparison by content, renaming, automatic renaming, copying all files - larger or smaller;
  • The maximum command line length is set;
  • Sorting by several attributes (columns): Ctrl+Click on an additional column;
  • Autocomplete command line, current directory, copy dialog, etc.;
  • Using the Shift+Del combination to remove unnecessary positions in drop-down lists: command line, search, rename, etc.;
  • Secure FTP connection via SSL/TLS (additional OpenSSL libraries required);
  • Customizable user commands for the main menu and hotkeys;
  • Command aliases (abbreviations) for the command line (for internal commands and external programs);
  • The overwrite dialog allows you to create previews and custom fields;
  • Possibility of file operations under a user account with administrator rights (to access private folders you must enter the administrator password);
  • Search on FTP servers;
  • Create ZIP archives larger than 2GB.

Features of RePack:
installation |
unpacking the portable version. Languages:


Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8.1/10.

Changes in version 2020.3 (author samlab):

— Updated the Total Commander file manager to 9.51 Final — Updated the Registry Cleaner — Updated the SWFView flash animation viewing plugin to 1.41

Download Total Commander 9.51 LitePack | PowerPack 2020.3 (38.83 MB):


Direct download link is available only for the group:
Command line keys

• Silent installation of Total Commander PowerPack: /S / IP • Unpacking portable Total Commander PowerPack: /S / UP • Silent installation of Total Commander LitePack: /S / IL • Unpacking portable Total Commander LitePack: /S / UL • It is also possible to select a directory for installation: After all the keys you need to add /D=%path% Example: installation_file.exe /S / IP /D=C:\ Total

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Final words about Norton Commander.

We have completed a series of articles devoted to the most famous file manager of the DOS system. The program can be called epochal. It laid the foundation for the development of many similar projects. The simplicity, clarity, and functionality of the DOS shell are striking. These features are often lacking in modern programs.

You can download Norton Commander, Volkov Commander, DOS Navigator using the links that you will find on our website (link at the beginning of the article).

Tagsdos memory, ms dos 6.22, file manager

How to install Total Commander?

Total Commander is a file manager that allows you to work with files on your computer. For example, Total Commander completely replaced the standard Windows Explorer for me. Now I don’t go into “My Computer”, I don’t access disks using standard methods, I don’t open folders, as most users do, through a standard explorer.

I now do all this using the Total Commander program. It allows me to navigate all my local drives in a split second, access any folders, and most importantly, move files from one folder to another much faster. This is only a tiny percentage of what this program can do.

In general, if you opened this lesson yourself, then you probably have an idea of ​​what kind of program it is. Once upon a time I described its charms in more detail. You can read this in the article:

"Total Commander simplifies computer work."

I also plan to write a big tutorial on setting up this file manager.

And today I will tell you how to install Total Commander on your computer or any other. First, we need an installation file, download Total Commander from the Russian version of the official website.

Now let's proceed directly to installing Total Commander.

After downloading, we should have a file on our computer that we need to double-click with the left mouse button to launch.

And in the window that opens, we are asked to select the program language. We indicate “Russian” and click the “Next” button.

Now we are offered to install all other languages ​​as well, in case we want to change it in the settings, then change it. I don’t need this, Russian is enough. So I set the switch to “No” and click “Next”. I recommend you do the same.

Then we need to select the folder to install Total Commander, or leave it as default. I’ll do just that, I won’t change anything, I’ll just click “Next”.

In the next step, simply click “Next”.

Next we choose which shortcuts to create, I recommend leaving only the desktop shortcut and leaving the rest as is. Click “Next”.

The program is being installed. Usually fast.

After which we are told “Installation completed successfully.”

A shortcut to launch Total Commander should appear on your desktop. I have it next to the program itself that I downloaded. To launch, click on the shortcut twice with the left mouse button.

The program is paid, but if we don’t buy it, it will still work for a month, but every time it starts, it will forgive us to press a button with a number in a special window - 1, 2 or 3.

And here is the true face of the program.

Congratulations, Total Commander is completely installed !

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Total Commander - what is it

Total Commander is an application that replaces the standard Windows Explorer. With it, you can perform all the usual actions with files and folders: move, copy, rename, delete and create them. But in addition to standard features, the program has additional functions that expand its functionality.

Special features of Total Commander

All of the following functions are either absent from the standard file manager or are less convenient in it. After reviewing the list, you can decide whether you should switch to Total Commander or whether its capabilities are not interesting to you.

Split Screen

Very often, working with files involves moving or copying elements, so the user has to open Explorer twice to copy from one section and transfer it to another. In Total Commander, this feature is taken into account right away: the program window is divided into two parts, in each of which you can navigate through folders and edit their contents.

The Total Commander screen is split into two parts

If you're more comfortable working without a mouse, you can use the TAB key to navigate between windows.

Quickly switch between drives

In most cases, a hard drive or SSD is divided into two partitions (usually C and D), but sometimes the division is more varied. Total Commander has two ways to quickly move to another section: using the top panel, which always contains a complete list of sections, or using the Alt+F1 and Alt+F2 hotkeys to move to the previous and next sections, respectively.

Select the desired section quickly

Hotkeys F3-F8

By default, the program configures the keys from F3 to F8 for various actions. For example, F3 opens the selected file, F5 and F6 copy and paste the item, and F8 deletes.

Detailed setting

By opening Settings from the Configuration section, you will have access to the application options. In them you can customize the appearance, color, design and select icons for various elements. Application functions can also be configured: quick search, auto-update of data, built-in ZIP archiver and others.

In the settings you can change the design and change the operation of functions

Quick search

Clicking on the binocular icon or holding down the Alt+F7 combination causes a quick search, with which you can find a file by name or its content. It is enough to enter one or more keywords, specify the search location (you can select the entire computer to scan) and start the process. In a couple of seconds you will receive a list of all files that match your request.

Enter keywords and look for the required file

Built-in FTP client

An FTP client allows you to connect to a site owned by the user and work with its files as if they were in the system memory. This is very convenient if you are developing websites. In this case, when connecting, a large list of settings will be offered, ensuring a convenient and secure connection.

FTP client allows you to connect to the site

Show files without directory

If you have a folder with a large number of subfolders and the files they contain, you can use the Ctrl+B combination. Using it will cause all directories to be hidden, that is, all the contents of the subfolders will be displayed in the main folder. In this case, the subdirectories will only be hidden, but not erased.

Quick renaming

If you need to rename many files quickly, just select them and hold down Ctrl+M. After which the name entered once will be assigned to everyone. Since all files cannot have the same name, a sequence number will be added to each of them.

Select files and change their names quickly

Working with archives

Total Commander has a built-in zip archiver. To use it, you can use hot keys: the combination Alt+F5 packs the file into an archive, Alt+F9 — unpacks the compressed folder, Alt+Shift+F9 — checks for integrity.

Video: Getting Started with Files in Total Commander

Disadvantages of Total Commander

The only downside to Total Commander is its overloaded appearance, which will take some getting used to at first. In the standard Explorer, all functions are hidden and removed so that the viewing window is as free as possible: it only contains files and some data about them. In Total Commander, most functions are placed in the quick access panel - this makes them easier to access, but fills the viewing window.

Considering this drawback, it is worth noting that, firstly, you can get used to such a design, and secondly, the program has enough built-in settings that allow you to radically change it.

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