How to fix error 0x80070002 Windows 10 8 7 when updating, installing

Many Windows 7 users have repeatedly encountered an error codenamed “0x80070002”. Often, notification of this failure occurs during the system update process or during OS installation. The fact is that this operating system is constantly being improved, updated and improved. Accordingly, the updates supplied by the developer must be implemented, which can be done either automatically or manually. Regardless of the type of update, there is a possibility of such a failure occurring.

0x80070002 error code in Windows 7, how to fix it?

Error executing or loading services

But it is worth noting that the most common process in which the “0x80070002” code occurs is a system update. In this case, the reason may be the lack or complete absence of some documents and files that are supplied from the official developer.

Error executing or loading services

Error code 0x80070002 occurs when installing Windows

Installation error 0x80070002 also very often plagues computer users. Most often this happens due to damaged or deleted files on the installation media. This is especially common among those who like to install from a disk, which often gets scratched and dirty, which causes problems with the readability of information.

How to fix error code 0x80070002

The best method to resolve this error is to replace the installation disk or flash drive onto which you need to write the newly downloaded Windows image.

In Windows 10, error 5005 0x80070002 sometimes occurs when running the App Installer. To handle this exception, you must use the utility from the support site.

Simple solution

The easiest way to get rid of an unpleasant crash is an automatic fix. It is carried out using standard utilities that carry out complete and comprehensive diagnostics, after which they automatically solve the problem that has arisen without user action.

To run an automated fix, you need to download a special application for your OS from the official technical support website. After downloading the file, you need to run it, and the system itself will do the rest for the user.

Windows update fails

The most common case of windows error 0x80070002 is an update. This says that some files were not received from the developer's server. However, even if you downloaded the entire update package, this exception may still occur. One option to completely get rid of this problem is to completely disable updates.

How to fix

If error code 0x80070002 occurs, do not be upset, because most likely it can be easily fixed without outside help. All versions of Windows can solve this independently with minimal user interaction. Regardless of the version of the operating system, the methods for eliminating it are usually the same.

In order to successfully perform the recovery, all actions must be carried out as an administrator.


In some versions of Windows, the administrator account is disabled by default. To enable it you need to do the following:

  • Press the combination Win+R on your keyboard;
  • in the search bar that opens, type: lusrmgr.msc
  • on the left side of the window, select “Users” -> “Administrator” -> “Properties”;
  • here you need to disable the “Disable administrator account” option.

Automatic correction

Microsoft offers its users to use a special software tool that will do everything itself without outside help. To do this, you will need to download it from the user support resource at:

It should be remembered that each version uses its own package, so it is important to select the correct OS on the website, then a link to download the program will become available. Currently, the utility is provided exclusively for supported OSes. Download error 0x80070002 in Windows 10 and other modern systems can be fixed without problems, but for owners of old XP you will have to look for such a utility on the Internet.

After installing and launching this application, it will try to fix the problem itself.

Stop or restart the Windows Update service

The solution discussed above will not always save you from trouble; in such cases, you need to try other ways to solve this issue. First of all, you need to restart the service that is responsible for updating. You'll need:

  • simultaneously hold down the Win+R buttons;
  • type services.msc and click Enter; services.msc
  • in the window that opens, in some versions it is called “Windows Update”, and in the old XP it is called “Automatic Update”. The selected items should not be stopped, otherwise start them yourself. If they work, then restart.

Removing installed updates

Sometimes, to resolve this issue, you need to remove all existing updates. For this:

  • in the settings, select “Programs and Features”;
  • on the left, click on the “View updates” section;
  • then select the entire list and delete all items.

After this, the possibility of incorrect operation of earlier installations is eliminated, and further actions will be carried out with a clean system.

Deleting temporary files

It is also advisable to clear the directory in which the update data is stored. The easiest way to do this is with Windows utilities. To run it you will need:

  • as described above, disable the update service;
  • press the familiar combination Win+R;
  • type cleanmgr: cleanmgr
  • on the main disk, specify updates and confirm actions;
  • When everything is done, start the service.

Using the DISM utility

Error 0x80070002 in Windows 10 and 8 can be fixed using a little-known new DISM tool that can be invoked from the command line. For this:

  • press Win+R;
  • type cmd and run it with all rights;
  • A window will open and in it you need to type the following: DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth and wait for the procedure to complete; DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Next, run the command sfc /scannow. After execution, we try to repeat the situation that threw the exception. sfc /scannow

The utility in question restores damaged resources from ready-made images. Its use makes it possible to correct shortcomings in the operation of services with a high probability.

Checking the system's readiness for update

For older versions of 7 and Vista, you can download special software from the user support site, which is located at

After saving and installing the application, it will automatically open and fix the problems. It should be remembered that this program may take a long time to run and there is no need to restart the computer if it does not respond to requests for a long time.

An effective way to fix error code 0x80070002 when updating Windows video

With the release of update kb4462919, error 0x80070002 often began to plague users. Therefore, it is suggested that you watch a prepared video on troubleshooting such faults, which will help even inexperienced people deal with this exception.

An error occurs when installing the operating system

Often this error occurs to the user during the OS installation stage. This often happens because some files are missing on the boot disk itself, or they are damaged. The reason may also be the use of a deliberately low-quality OS image. You can fix this as follows:

  1. Change the disk, flash drive or any other media used for reinstallation.
  2. Reinstall.
  3. Overwrite the existing image to media at a slow speed.
  4. Before starting installation, you can run a system check using the diagnostic wizard.

    Running a system check

What does error code 0x80070002 mean?

If you have an exception with this number, it means that the files used in this operation cannot be found or they are corrupted. This usually occurs during an update, but can happen in other cases:

  • when installing and updating the OS;
  • when installing third-party applications when the necessary resources are missing.

It can also occur in other situations. It is difficult to list all the reasons for this error. This can happen due to file deletion, service and driver failures, drive letter changes, viruses, and other factors.

In April 2020, Windows 10 version 1803 appeared, error 0x80070002 began to appear less frequently, but users still often complain about failures that occur.

Error when running the diagnostic wizard

To quickly solve this problem, you can use the so-called “Clean Start”. This term means loading the operating system using the minimum required set of drivers and system programs. To launch it, you need to open the “Run” process, which can be done by pressing the “Win” and “R” keys in combination. In the window that appears, the user needs to enter “msconfig” and in the “General” tab check the “Diagnostic run” option.

Diagnosing problems in Windows 7

The utility, which is responsible for finding and fixing errors in various components of the Windows system, is built into the OS and is launched manually by the user when any bugs are found. There are several ways to access the troubleshooting wizard:

The main window of the Troubleshooting Wizard is a list of categories that, when clicked, launches a debug tool for a specific system element. Collected here:

  • tools for diagnosing and configuring programs adapted for another version of Windows OS;
  • utilities for setting up and using devices and printers;
  • a wizard for troubleshooting sound recording and playback problems;
  • Tools for finding and troubleshooting Internet problems;
  • design settings;
  • utilities for troubleshooting Windows Update problems;
  • programs for optimizing energy consumption;
  • Tools for troubleshooting performance problems.

The “Computer Troubleshooting” utility is not just some small program for fixing bugs, but a comprehensive system that includes the ability to fix each individual element.

The main Troubleshooting window includes categories for which you can run debugging

If you are interested in setting up or debugging a specific element, then especially for such cases, a “View all categories” button has been added to the left side of the main window. It changes the design of the main window of the utility so that its components are not grouped by categories, but are displayed in a list in order. This is more convenient if you know exactly what you want: there is no need to wander through categories, wondering where exactly the required debugger is located.

The View All Category feature displays all the items in the troubleshooting wizard as a list from which you can select the item you want

Double-clicking an element launches it and opens a program that scans the selected element and notifies the user of any errors found. Before starting diagnostics, in the window that opens, you can check or uncheck the “Automatically apply fixes” checkbox - its presence means that if the program detects problems, it will fix them automatically. If the checkbox is not checked, the utility will ask the user for permission to fix it or will not touch the errors at all.

Before running diagnostics and treatment, you can allow the program to automatically apply fixes

After troubleshooting is completed, the utility will provide the user with a report on its work, which will indicate which errors were detected and which were eliminated.

When the utility analyzes and repairs the element, it will give the user a report on its work

If the troubleshooter doesn't work

The Troubleshooter is a system program, and if it doesn't work, something serious has happened. The failure may be due to update errors, unsuccessful changes to the system (this can be done, for example, by third-party programs), as well as hardware damage to the disk. And if nothing can be done about the latter, except replacing the hard drive, then the rest can be eliminated.

  1. First, try uninstalling the latest updates. How to do this is described in detail above.
  2. If uninstalling updates does not help, use Command Prompt. To do this, press Win + R and type cmd in the Run window.

    To open Command Prompt, press Win + R and in the Run window type cmd

  3. In the Command Prompt, type the following commands:
    • net stop wuauserv;
    • regsvr32 %windir%\system32\wups2.dll;
    • net start wuauserv.

      In the Command Prompt, type the command and press Enter

  4. Restart your computer.
  5. If the troubleshooter still doesn't turn on, the problem is more serious. If you have backups (system backups that can be used to roll back the OS), now is the time to use them. To do this, go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Recovery” and select the “Run System Restore” option.

    The initial window of the utility prompts the user to select a backup - recommended or another

  6. The program itself will offer you the optimal backup copy for recovery. If you do not agree with it, select another backup from the list.

    From this list you can select any backup copy and roll back your Windows to it

  7. If you want to see exactly what will change in the system after the backup, click “Search for affected programs.” A window will open where you will see a list of changes.

    The program will show which programs and files will be changed after rolling back to the backup copy

  8. In the last window, click “Finish” and wait for the system to be rolled back to the state at the time of the backup. It will take some time.

    To start a system rollback to a backup, click “Finish” and wait a moment

  9. If you accidentally select the wrong restore point, the backup can be canceled in the same “Run System Restore” utility. To do this, open it and select the “Cancel system restore” option, and Windows will return to the state it was in before the backup.

    To cancel an unsuccessful system rollback, run the program again and select “Cancel system restore”

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