How to fix the error “D3dx9d_43.dll is missing (not found)”

On new computers and newly installed systems, an error often appears that reports the impossibility of starting the library due to the absence of the d3dx9.dll and d3dx9_43.dll files and can be solved by downloading it to the desired folder.
Sometimes it can occur in combination with a requirement to reinstall the program. The latter is used for computer games and is necessary to run them. It simplifies the work of toy developers, since the entire system part is already presented in it. In this case, there is no need to panic; the error is easy to fix.

How to fix

Since the user may not know in all situations exactly why this error occurs on his computer, he will have to act “by scientific poking” and try everything until he can correct the situation. We'll walk you through what you need to do first and explain in detail how to fix the error, carefully step by step, if you don't know the exact cause of the error. If you know the reason why your system generates an error, go straight to this point and feel free to correct it according to the instructions.

Virus check

Even if in fact there is a d3dx9_43.dll file on your computer, it may be that the malicious program has simply replaced this file with another one - damaged or one that is already infected with a virus. Malicious programs often use this substitution technique - they simply replace one or more folders or files with a library with “left” files, which greatly interferes with the normal operation of the computer and throws everything off track at once. Therefore, the most reasonable solution in this case for you would be to simply check your system for malware.

If you have Windows 7, then it should have the Microsoft Security Essential antivirus program, which is installed on all Windows systems by default. We recommend checking with it - this way there is a greater chance of detecting that the virus has replaced some of the important components of the program. If you don’t have it on your computer, we recommend installing it in advance. You only need to download from the official website. Don't worry, this program is free, lightweight, downloads quickly and is automatically installed on your computer. You won't need to do a lot of extra work while downloading this installer.

Please note that if you use Windows 8, 8.1, 10, then this same utility for checking your computer for viruses will be called Windows Defender. It should also be installed by default when you receive the system.

However, if you do not want to use the standard Windows antivirus program and prefer to use your own proven program, which usually finds all problems in system protection, you can do this with any program that you are comfortable using. But if your antivirus program has not been updated for a long time or you are not sure that your program will be able to detect a threat, download the free and updated version from Windows and there will be no problems.

The verification process always follows approximately the same scenario and takes on average up to half an hour. If you find a virus, then try to cure or delete the file, and then restart your computer and try to run the program that was causing you difficulties again. If it was a virus issue, then everything should definitely start.

Register your library

If for some reason your DirectX library is not listed in the registry, then a program that depends on the library will also not run. This could be a software glitch, an adjuster error, or some other glitch. You can solve this problem by simply registering the library in the registry. This is done like this:

  • Go through Start to “All Programs” and select standard programs.
  • Find the command line there and run it with administrator rights using the right mouse button.
  • In the window that appears, enter the command regsvr32 /u d3dx9_43.dll and press Enter.
  • Then enter the command regsvr32 /i d3dx9_43.dll and press Enter.

Once you are done, close the window and restart your device. If the problem was the absence of an entry in the registry, then it should be resolved after such manipulations and the program that could not start should work again.

Delete and restore

If you already have DirectX installed on your computer, but after you updated the system or due to some software glitch everything broke, then uninstalling and restoring this program can help. Then the system crash will disappear and you will be able to run a program that requires the use of this library. You can do this yourself. This is done in the following way:

  1. Open drive C, find Windows there and go to the System32 folder.
  2. In this folder you need to find the d3dx9_43.dll file.
  3. When you find it, delete it the same way you delete a regular folder or file - by moving it to the trash.
  4. After this, you need to restart your PC or laptop.
  5. After the reboot, you need to open the trash can and click on file recovery.
  6. Restart your computer again.

After you restart the system, Windows will scan your system libraries and the error should be fixed. Try restarting the program that you were unable to start without the library running normally.

Driver Update

If you use Windows 10, then this problem will not affect you, since this operating system automatically installs all the drivers that are necessary for the normal operation of the system. She searches for them on the Internet on official websites, downloads and updates them instead of outdated ones. However, if you have 7, 8 or 8.1, then you have to update them manually or entrust this to a special program.

If you use Windows 10, then simply enable system update so that the computer does everything itself.

The most convenient way to update drivers is to entrust this task to a special program that automatically analyzes everything that is on the computer, decides what needs to be updated and what is not needed, then gives you a list and asks for an agreement to update the drivers that are in this list.

After you have agreed to the permission, the program automatically searches for drivers on the official websites of the devices, as well as from your personal large collection of “firewood”. There are a lot of such programs. If there are paid and free versions, they are all approximately the same, so you can safely install almost any one.

We wrote about which programs are the most convenient in terms of automatic driver updates and talked about how they work.

Downloading and installing DirectX

If you tried to follow all the recommendations that we gave you in the article above, but none of them gave the result that you needed and did not fix the error, then this means that the library was not installed on the computer at all before. Therefore, you should download and install it yourself.

Please note that you should download the file with this program only from the official Microsoft website in order not to run into viruses and not get very big problems with your computer.

After you download the file itself, you will see that there is already an installer on your computer that will do everything for you. All you have to do is run it and do everything the installer asks you to do - just follow the instructions.

If you have DirectX version 10, 11 or 12, then this installer will study which libraries you do not have and install them itself, without even burdening you with such concern. We remind you that if you have downloaded any program onto your computer, you must then restart the system so that the work is normal and no errors occur in the future. It's the same with this library.

It is also worth noting that in order for the web installer to independently install the library file for you, and also select the missing versions, if something is already installed, you must have access to continuous and high-speed Internet. The fact is that the installer downloads the missing versions and uses approximately 15 megabytes of traffic per installation. That is why it is very important that everything is fine with the connection, otherwise the work is interrupted in the middle.

Fixing the d3dx9_37.dll error

There are only three ways to solve the problem that would be significantly different from each other and at the same time equally effective. After reading the article to the end, you will learn how to fix the error by using third-party software, the appropriate web installer, and performing a self-installation of the DLL.

Method 1: Client

Speaking of third-party software, you should pay attention to Client. Using this program you can easily and quickly install DLLs.

Here's what you need to do to do this:

    Launch the program and perform a search for the word “d3dx9_37.dll”.

Click the "Install" button.

By doing this, you will begin the process of installing the DLL on the system. After its completion, all applications that generated an error will work properly.

Method 2: Install DirectX

The d3dx9_37.dll library is an integral part of DirectX 9. Based on this, we can conclude that along with DirectX, the library necessary for running games will be installed on the system.

Downloading the package is quite simple:

    Select the OS language from the drop-down list and click “Download”.

Uncheck the items located on the left side of the window. This is necessary to ensure that unnecessary software is not downloaded along with the package. After that, click on “Cancel and continue”.

Now let's move on to the installation itself:

    Open the installer with administrator rights.

Accept the terms of the agreement by checking the box next to the appropriate item and click “Next”.

If you do not want the Bing panel to be installed along with DirectX, then uncheck the corresponding item and click on the “Next” button. Otherwise, leave the checkbox untouched.

Wait until the installer completes the initialization process, then click “Next”.

Wait while all the required components are downloaded and installed.

Click "Finish" to complete the installation.

After installing all DirectX components, the problem with the d3dx9_37.dll library will be resolved. By the way, this is the most effective method that guarantees 100% success.

Method 3: Download d3dx9_37.dll

The main reason for the error is that there is no d3dx9_37.dll file in the system folder, therefore, to fix it, just place this file there. Now we will tell you how to do this, but first download the dynamic library to your PC.

So, after downloading the DLL, you need to copy it to the system directory. Unfortunately, depending on the version of Windows, its location may vary. You can read more about this in the corresponding article on the website. In the example, we will install a DLL on Windows 10.

    Copy the d3dx9_37.dll file by right-clicking on it and selecting “Copy”.

Go to the system directory. In this case, the path to it will be as follows:

C:WindowsSystem32 Right-click on an empty space in the directory and select “Paste.”

At this point, the installation of the library missing to launch applications can be considered complete. Try launching a game or program that previously generated an error. If the message appears again, it means that the library needs to be registered. We have an article on this topic on our website.

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What does the error mean?

Very often, users see the following sentence on their taps: “The program cannot be started because d3dx9_43.dll is missing on the computer.” This tells us that you do not have the DirectX library in version 9 installed on your computer. This is not surprising, because the ninth version of the API was developed and released to the application market at the same time that the old Windows XP was released. Therefore, the ninth version of the library is used only in old games and applications. But if you urgently need to use the old application, the error needs to be corrected.

Often users see the following message on the screen: error: “Your account has been disabled. Contact your system administrator." In this article, we looked in detail at what this error is and how you can fix it yourself.

The library is an implementation of the Microsoft API, which is used to ensure that programs work at a low level with the computer resources that were available at the time XP was released. That is, through this library, the program you want to run issues the correct commands to the sound or video card, as well as to the input and output devices. This library sends commands, including to the gamepad.

But, despite the fact that the library was developed for the old XP, the error can also appear on Windows 7, 8, 10, even if your PC or laptop already has a DirectX library, but it is not in the tenth version, but higher. In order for you to be able to run an old game or application without problems, you will need to install all versions of the API on your computer.

Try downloading the library manually.

This technique is very effective and can eliminate all troubles, but this method is not intended for ordinary users or those who do not have additional knowledge. Try these steps:

First, download the ZIP archive from the Internet:

Note. Make sure you are using the correct version: for a 64-bit system, you must use the 64-bit edition.

  • After downloading, unzip the document.
  • For 32-bit OS, paste here: C:\Windows\System32.
  • For 64-bit OS, paste here: C:\Windows\SysWOW64.
  • Then restart your computer.

Process of uninstalling and reinstalling DirectX

  1. We go to the “ Start ” menu, then “ Control Panel ”, select viewing through categories, find “ Uninstall programs ”, in the window that opens we look for the desired name, and then delete it .
  2. The next step is to go to the browser, enter into the search: “ Download DirectX from the official website”, use the first queries found to find the Microsoft website, follow further instructions and download the installation file.
  3. Having launched the installation file, we continue to follow the installer instructions.

The dllhost exe COM Surrogate process throws an error or loads the system - what to do?
After the work has been done and a second attempt to launch the conflicting application, the problem will end.

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