Error when starting the application 0xc0000005 - fix

When error 0xc0000005 appears

Typically, when an error occurs, you receive the following message:

An application error has occurred and an error log is being generated. Exception: Access Violation (0xc000000), Address.

This message appears after trying to launch any application in Windows. After closing the error window, most likely, you will be blocked from launching this application.

Error code 0xc0000005 can appear in other error messages, it all depends on what application you are trying to install or run. This error may appear while using built-in operating system tools, such as disk defragmentation.

The reasons for this error to appear are numerous. However, the most common reasons are:

  • Malicious programs.
  • Registry errors.
  • Incorrectly installed drivers and memory failure.

Sometimes this error 0xc0000005 can also be caused by incorrectly installed security updates for Windows.

Error 0xc0000005 after updating Windows 7/8

During 2013-2014, Microsoft released several updates for its operating systems that may lead to this problem. Depending on the system settings, these updates can be installed either manually or completely automatically.

Fact: on a pirated Windows 7, the likelihood of seeing an error is many times higher than on a licensed OS. But legal Windows owners may also encounter trouble. Here's how the stars will align

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