How to create a group or community on VK yourself in 2020: from a computer, mobile phone, what are their differences, pros and cons of creating

Greetings! Come on, tell me, how many of you have thought about how to create a VKontakte community and monetize this enterprise? I am sure that among you there will be those who tried to become the owner of a profitable group on a social network, perhaps even filled it with content, worked on the design, but never achieved the popularity of their brainchild, failed to promote it. That is why I decided to devote today’s article to how to promote a VKontakte group from scratch. From my review you will get a lot of interesting information, learn about what you need to do to the group flourished. All advice will be practical, and you can immediately apply them without putting them into a long box called “Tomorrow”.

Why are we doing this?

So, I would like to start with the fact that on the Internet we can find a huge variety of all kinds of public pages with different thematic focus. However, only a few units in this variety are profitable I think you all understand that the scale of the project primarily depends on the efforts of its owner, the leader who leads his caravan through the endless desert of possibilities. The amount of capital intended for the creation and promotion of a VKontakte group is a secondary factor in this case.

Well, imagine, you decided to whip up a resource, recruit subscribers to it, and now you’re sitting, waiting for the money to start flowing. I advise you to roll up your lip and wipe away the drool. Nothing in this world falls from the sky (and what does fall usually does not bode well).

To earn a couple of pesos, you will have to use your head. First of all, think and decide for yourself what exactly you want to do ? That is, decide on the topic of your community. I offer you several options from which you can choose the one that seems most attractive to you:

  • earnings from advertising and affiliate programs (in this case, the topic is absolutely not important);
  • maintaining a personal blog;
  • creating a resource dedicated to your hobby (it could be finance, music, dancing or something else).

Socelin for getting high-quality public subscribers

How to properly form a group

The appearance of the group, public page and event is absolutely identical, so the design tips are suitable for all three types of communities.

If 5 years ago it was possible not to register a community at all, to call it “a community of those who like to lose their left sock” and people would pour out, but now, due to too much competition, every little thing is important.

First scroll

The first scroll is what a person sees when he first joins your group; everything he manages to view in 5 seconds.

This is also called the Dory fish rule. Remember, in The Adventures of Nemo there was a fish that forgot everything after 5 seconds.

If during this time the visitor does not understand how your group can be useful and interesting to him, he will leave and forget about your group, after the same 5 seconds.

And if you attracted him through paid advertising, then consider that you wasted your money.

Therefore, the first scroll should be designed perfectly.

What design elements are included in the first scroll:

  • Avatar and cover;
  • Community name;
  • Status;
  • Pinned post (banner);
  • Section information about the community: description, address + map, phone, e-mail, website.

First scroll


About the title, I hope you read the article above.


In the community status, you need to put the essence into one or two lines so that the visitor immediately understands what your group does. Status is a line that is located under the name of the community, in smaller font.

In the status, place one of the following meanings, if you can, then formulate everything in one or two sentences:

  • The essence of the group's activities;
  • How to achieve the goal for which the user came to the community;
  • USP - unique selling proposition;
  • Benefits of your community;
  • Contact details of your business;
  • Information for the user about your group.

Lifehack #1: Use emojis in your status. This attracts extra attention and will make your group stand out from others. If you have a public page, then emoji will be displayed on interesting pages of subscribers.

Emoji in the status This is how Emoji look in the block of interesting pages

Community Information

The information section is located immediately after the name and status of the group.

This block contains a description of the group, as well as contact information.

What should be in the block:

  • Description of the community: what is it about;
  • USP is a unique selling proposition: how you differ from others. Why should they buy from you or subscribe to you?
  • Briefly and succinctly tell us in a few words what your group does and how it can be useful;
  • Opening hours, telephone, address. Be sure to include all possible contact information. If there is an address, then place a map. It looks nice and makes it easy for people to find you. Opening hours must be filled. Read more in the article “How to add an address and working hours in a VKontakte group”;
  • How to place an order, delivery information.

Life hack #2: Add a call to subscribe to notifications in the first line of the information block. This will increase the number of subscriptions. This way we can bypass the smart feed: subscribers will see notifications about your new articles, even if the smart feed does not show the articles.

Life hack No. 3: Even if you have a menu and there is information on how to place an order, do not hesitate to duplicate it in the information block. A visitor should be able to find out how to buy from you from anywhere in your community. Don't make him look.

Visual design

From the visual component, the very first thing you need to do is:

  • Avatar;
  • Cover;
  • Pinned post (wiki menu or banner)
  • Banner template for regular publications.

For dimensions of all group design elements, see the article “All dimensions of VKontakte group design.”

Make your design recognizable and unique

Groups on different topics should have different designs and take into account the characteristics of your subscribers. If your hands are growing in the wrong place, then it’s better to hire a designer at the same Quorka (an inexpensive service exchange), where they will make you a beautiful design for 500-1000 rubles. The expression “one meets people by their clothes” is exactly about this.

If you design each post differently and change your avatar often, your subscribers will simply skip your new posts because they will not recognize you. And in the feed there are a lot of irritants that distract attention.

Agree that the same Layz chips and Tide laundry detergent are so ingrained in the subconscious that you can unmistakably recognize them on store shelves even from a distance.

In the same way, your group should be recognizable as Tide even in passing.

Avatar or cover?

To design a group, you can use both an avatar and a cover image.

The cover is a horizontal banner in the group header.

An avatar is a vertical banner in the group at the top right.

What should be in the avatar or cover:

  • Community name;
  • Description of the community, its USP (maximum 3-5 words);
  • Contact details;
  • Arrow for subscription.

If a group has a cover image, the avatar is hidden and displayed only as a small icon. This is the circle to the left of the group name and status. It can also be seen when you write on behalf of the group in messages, comments, or posts.

Cover benefits:

  • Larger size 1590x400 - more information can be placed;
  • Horizontal position - the text is easier to read, it does not break into words;
  • Audience activation: the cover page can display active subscribers, donors, and competition winners;
  • Increases conversion: if you place instructions on the subscribe and message buttons on the cover;
  • You can place additional information and promotional offers: for example, on the right side, set aside a place for the promotion of the day and change the promotional product in the cover daily.

Advantages of an avatar:

  • Arbitrary height: you can make a square, medium rectangle, long;
  • The proportions of height to width are less than 2 to 5;
  • Contains information about the community;
  • Can be integrated with a pinned post - this is perhaps the most significant advantage. Valid on the condition that you completely remove all information from the information block so that it is not displayed. Otherwise, a single whole will not work, since the banner will go too far.

Based on your preferences, but I would recommend the cover. It is used by the vast majority of communities and there are many more opportunities to use it for self-promotion of a group.


A banner is a pinned post that comes immediately after a block of information about the community.

Banner options:

  • Just a picture;
  • Animated banner - GIF;
  • Picture + text;

When you click on the banner, the group menu should open.

What should be in the banner:

  • Community name;
  • Description of services, USP, benefits or other information about the community;
  • Menu;
  • Visual identification of the menu: from the banner, the visitor should understand what awaits him in the menu, what sections or content are there;
  • Menu button with cursor.

Banner purpose:

  • Convey information about community goods or services: categories of goods or services;
  • Show that clicking will open a menu. For example, write on it: “Open me” or “Menu”;
  • Form a unified group style along with other design elements.
  • If there is an avatar instead of a cover, then form a single whole block with it.

Detailed instructions for creating a community from A to S

Creating a VKontakte group from scratch

  1. First of all, go to contact ;
  2. Register or use an existing personal account;
  3. Click on " Groups ". If there is no such tab, go to “ Settings ” - “ Customize the display of items ”. In the menu that appears, opposite the “ Groups ” item, put a checkmark and save the changes;
  4. In the “ Groups ” section you will find 2 tabs: the first will display the communities and publics to which you are subscribed, and the second will display those to which you have access rights (if you are not an admin or moderator in any group, then the tab will be empty);
  5. In this tab we are interested in the “ Create Community ” button;
  6. Click on this button and in the window that appears, fill in the items “ Name ” - here we indicate the name of the community and “ Keywords of your niche ” - the name of your brand and the like. To make it clearer, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the example of my community.
  7. Now you need to choose type of your resource.

    We are not interested in the “ Event ” option, since it has little functionality and does not last long. Among the proposed options, we need the “ Public page ” item. It has several restrictions, and therefore for those who are interested in how to make money in contacts and promote their own brand, creating a group is suitable.

How to close a public page?

It is impossible to restrict access to the public, i.e. to a public page, since this contradicts the very meaning of this format. But you can transfer the public to a group, and then proceed according to the standard scheme.

To transform a public page, go to it and find the icon with three dots.

By clicking on it, select the very last item from the possible actions - “Transfer to group”. Click on it.

Carefully read the notice that you can transfer a public page to a group and back only once every 30 days, not more often. And, if you are still confident in your goals and actions, click “Translate”.

Ready! You can now restrict access to this community.

Setting up a group

Since we have more or less figured out how to create a community in contact absolutely free, I think we can move on to setting . To do this you need to do the following:

  1. We have already written down the name
  2. In the “ Community Description ” section, you need to talk about the scope of your activities; you need to write a short and memorable phrase that will allow visitors to find you as quickly as possible. In my case, this phrase became “ .
  3. In the “ Community Topics ”, select the one that is closest to your area of ​​activity. I have a blog about investments and that’s why I chose the topic “ Finance ”.
  4. In the “ Website ” section you need to provide a link to your existing website or another community that is dedicated to this topic. If there are none, leave the field empty and go down further.
  5. In the “ Comment Filter ”, check the appropriate boxes. For example, I activated the “ Enable obscene language filter ” option because I don’t want to see rednecks and haters in my community.
  6. In “ Location ” you just need to enter your location if you see such a need.
  7. the “ Room in Snapster ” item and did not look into it, because I find this function unimportant. Maybe I'm wrong? Then please write in the comments what this function affects.
  8. In Community Messages , turn on or off the feature that allows admins and group editors to reply to private messages from users on behalf of your community.
  9. In the “ Wall ” item, select the “ Limited ” option and thereby protect yourself from spam and unnecessary junk in your posts.
  10. Photos, videos, audio recordings, documents, materials ” should be limited and only administrators and editors of your group can add them.
  11. Group Type ” to “ open ” if you are interested in attracting a large number of subscribers. If you decide to post insider information or very expensive materials in the group that you do not want to release to the masses, then the “ closed ” type is suitable for you.
  12. Products feature when you have products to sell. When editing a group, enable this item. Select the country, region, contact for communication. Click “ Save ”.
  13. If necessary, you can enter some important information or quote into the “ Group Status In this field you can write whatever you consider necessary and important.

Promote VK pages and publics using Brobot

Why do you need a group on VK?

A VK group or community is an association of subscribers based on interests that allows you to conduct business, learn news, communicate, exchange information, opinions, conduct discussions or just have fun.

For businesses, this is an opportunity to communicate with their customers and receive feedback.

The community can be used as:

  • Representative business;
  • Internet media;
  • Association of interests for communication;
  • Fan club;
  • A platform for conducting paid courses and trainings;

The fundamental difference between a community and a personal page is that its members can also add materials to the community.

Flexible privacy settings and appointments of managers allow you to conduct almost any type of social activity in communities: from business and trade unions to fan clubs of stars or films.


Since you and I are interested in how to make money in contact on groups, we need to make sure that our community has a sufficient number of participants . on the quality of the group’s design , and therefore I suggest moving on to this activity:

  1. Upload a photo (avatar) to your community . Please note that the photo parameters must be 200*500 . Edit the photo and thumbnail, and then save the result.
  2. Upload links leading to your website or other thematic community. Don’t forget to leave your subscribers your Skype, telegram chat link, Instagram page and YouTube channel. Edit all names and save.
  3. If you are really interested in how to create a popular group in contact, then do not ignore such an important point as “ Latest News ”. Edit this block regularly, do not neglect the importance of fonts. Before saving the result, preview the page.
  4. In the " Discussions " section, add new topics that will be useful to your readers.
  5. Add videos to your project . It will be great if the videos are filmed by you and posted on YouTube. This way you will increase traffic on the channel.
  6. When promoting a VKontakte group yourself step by step, remember that the sale of goods in it will be effective only if the “Photography Albums” are well maintained . Upload high-quality photos, make a detailed description of the product being sold, under each photo indicate the price of the product and a link to the seller (administrator or manager).
  7. In the " Documents " section you can download useful instructions and manuals . Owners of online stores can keep price lists or lists of services provided in this section, for example.
  8. Don't forget about regular interactions with your subscribers . Conduct surveys several times a week and encourage people to express their opinions in the comments. promotions and competitions when expanding the audience of a group . They can be carried out once a month, for example.
  9. For those who plan to do business in their group, you need to take care of adding products to it with a clear name and detailed description . Remember that the demand for a product will depend on how attractive the photo of this product is. Each product must have an adequate price , which must also be indicated. Don’t forget to indicate who/where to pay for the order, in what form the payment takes place, how and where delivery is carried out, as well as what guarantees you give to your customers (cash on delivery, exchange option).
  10. If you wish, you can change the group and make it a public page. If you don’t know what the difference is between a public and a group, I advise you to read a separate article dedicated to this issue.
  11. Create a convenient menu , simplify navigation. To make a banner and wiki menu in the community, I turned to specialists in this topic, if you need it, ask in the comments or write in a personal message - I’ll send you a couple of guys who are doing this. I decided not to waste time doing it myself, but there are a lot of manuals and articles on how to do these steps yourself on the Internet. You can use a search engine and check.
  12. And, of course, take care of the quality of the content . Please note that in the group, commercial posts must contain photographs and make up no more than 50% of the total material you publish. To increase the number of subscribers, pay attention to posts with fascinating information, do not forget that people are attracted by fun and a good sense of humor. More attractive is information that is presented in the form of images .
  13. In order for clients to trust you more and, as a result, advise their friends and acquaintances, provide them with the opportunity to leave their feedback about your work . To do this, you can create an appropriate topic in the “Discussions” section. Offer discounts and small gifts and bonuses to regular customers .

Gather your target audience for your business with

How to close a group?

You must have administrator rights or be the creator. Moderator rights are not enough.

Already at this stage, it is important to clearly understand what kind of group we need. You can turn it into a private community, making it completely invisible to outsiders.

It will not be available in search. If someone goes to her direct VKontakte address, they will see that access is only possible by invitation of administrators.

The second option is the classic one, when you can see the minimum information, the number and names of participants, and also apply for membership. This option is the most common.

From computer

We enter a managed community.

On the main page, click on the icon with three dots under the avatar to open a menu of available actions. Select the first possible action – “Community Management”.

We immediately find ourselves in the desired section of the menu – “Settings”. On the left, in the “Basic Information” block, immediately below the community name and description fields, there is a “Group Type” function.

Here you need to select the appropriate option, that is, “Closed” or “Private”.

When selected, a brief description of all forms is provided. Research the information.

After making changes, click on the blue button at the bottom - “Save”.

Ready! Access to your platform is now restricted. You can get into it in two ways: by receiving an invitation from the administrator or by submitting an application through a special button, which will be available to a person who is not a member of the community.

How to accept an application in a closed VK group is the topic of a separate review.

From your phone or tablet

You can change the community from your phone both in the VKontakte application itself, which is installed either through Google Play or through the App Store, and in the mobile version of the site (accessible from any browser on your gadget).

In mobile version

1 way

Your steps should be done in the following sequence:

  • We go through the browser to VK.
  • Open the list of your communities and select the one you need.
  • The main page is loading. Click on the “Add information” function.
  • Scroll through the page in the settings until you find the “Group Type” section.
  • Place a dot next to the required type.
  • Click the blue “Save” button.

There you go!

Method 2

On the tab for selecting the desired community from the general list, we find the “Full version” function. We click on it, after which the functionality of the site will become exactly the same as we see it from the computer.

After this, you can use the standard instructions described in the first part of the article.

Via the app

Go to the list of your communities and select the one you need. On the main page, at the top of it, next to the name, find the gear icon and click on it.

The control menu opens. Click on the first block – “Information”.

The page loads where you can change the visibility. After selecting the desired option, click on the checkmark icon at the top, the changes are saved.

How to manage a group?

To make adjustments to your community at any time, you just need to click on the three-dot icon located under your group’s avatar. In the window that opens you will see the categories:

  1. Information ”, where you can edit the description, name and other fields at any time;
  2. " Members ", which contains a complete list of all subscribers to the group;
  3. " Leaders ". Here you can add new or change the access rights of existing community administrators and editors;
  4. Black List ” is a place where you can block unnecessary subscribers or malicious violators of the rules of your group;
  5. «Links»;
  6. " Community Statistics ". This category is one of the most important and contains data on:
  • Group attendance – the number of unique visitors, views, characteristics (age, geographic location, gender) of the audience that is interested in your group;
  • Reaching the audience who views your community’s posts in the “My News” section and data about your subscribers;
  • Activities - actions of subscribers, reposts of your posts and reactions of other social network users to this data.

Step-by-step instruction

To create a group or community in VK, you need to register an account. Then you should log in using your username and password. On the left panel there is a “Group” option and after clicking on it, the “Create Community” button will appear in the upper right part of the screen.

Choosing the type of public and topic

The process of creating your own group in VK begins by clicking on “Create a community.” After this, a pop-up window will appear asking you to select the type of public. The user can select 1 option out of 6:

  • business;
  • thematic community;
  • brand or organization;
  • interest group;
  • public page;
  • event.

The next step is to click on the desired icon, after which you will have to choose a name and topic for the new community. If the administrator has a website, then it should also be indicated when creating a new community. Since you can invite your friends to the group, you should choose this type of community at the first stage. After performing these simple manipulations, the group will be created and all that remains is to configure it.


Now that you know everything about how a VKontakte group is created, you safely start implementing your own selling platform or increase the conversion rate of an existing community. Remember, your every action and decision affects how your subscribers treat you and what impression your resource makes on them. Don't stop there , be open to experiments and see you soon!

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Difference between group types

VKontakte provides the opportunity to create several types of communities:

  1. Groups . They are open, closed and private. Anyone can join an open group a closed type by invitation or by submitting an application, which will be reviewed by the community administrator. The private group is by invitation only. She cannot be found in the VKontakte search.
  2. Public page . Information from the public is also available to any Internet user, and you can subscribe to it through a search or link. In this type of community there is no division between open, closed and private.
  3. Meeting . It can be created for any event and can also be open or closed. You can join it by analogy with a group.

Method 2: Mobile application

VKontakte developers constantly update their mobile application, transferring there all the functions that are available in the full version of the site and even introducing unique options. All the necessary tools for managing a group have long been transferred to this application, and you can make it private through it like this:


  1. Launch the application and in the "Browse" section, select "Communities".
  2. Through the “Managed” tab, go to the required group.
  3. To the right of its name there will be a gear icon. Tap on it to open the settings menu.
  4. Click on the first line called “Information”.
  5. Mark the “Closed” item with a marker.
  6. Apply the changes by clicking on the check mark icon.

How to make a group interesting?

To make your group interesting, you need to make an effort and follow a few simple rules.

  1. Create quality content. Do not constantly publish posts with the content “Buy, order, call” and so on. There should be selling posts, but in moderation.
  2. The time when you could post cats and demotivators is long gone. Therefore, first, think carefully about what might be interesting to your target audience.
  3. Be consistent. Don't abandon the group and publish 1-2 posts a day.
  4. Make polls about what content your subscribers would like to see.
  5. Post real photos of your office, store, warehouse, your workplace and yourself.

Conclusion. Well, now we have figured out how to create a group on VK, set it up correctly, add photos and the first entry.

What to do next? Read our materials on promoting VKontakte:

  • Setting up a VKontakte group
  • How to promote a group on VK
  • Mass liking VKontakte
  • Cheating likes on VK

Write in the comments the address of the group you created following our guide! Let's see who did better

Publication design

So, you have created your new public page, but at the moment it looks unpresentable. This needs to be fixed urgently. The group simply must catch and attract the attention of a potential client. You want it to be beautiful, and ideally also sell and generate income? Therefore, carefully consider what the “face” of your company should look like and what you can offer your audience. Well, I already wrote about how to create a public page here.

Design is an important point that you should pay close attention to. Fortunately, many companies provide services for developing creative and selling design in a single style. For example, you can search for performers on the Kwork freelance services exchange.

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