Computer lessons from Evgeny Serov - There are not enough system resources to complete the operation (Windows 7, 8, 10)

Step 9: Perform a clean installation of Windows

Warning: We must emphasize that reinstalling Windows will take a very long time and is too difficult a task to solve Error 8 problems. To avoid data loss, you must ensure that you have backed up all important documents, images, software installers and other personal data before starting the process. If you are not currently backing up your data, you should do so immediately (download a recommended backup solution) to protect yourself from permanent data loss.

Please Note: If problem 8 persists after a clean install of Windows, the Windows System Error Codes problem MUST be hardware related. In this case, you will likely have to replace the associated hardware causing error 8.

Is the problem with Error 8 (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) still persisting?

Contact us anytime on social media for further assistance:

About the Author: Jay Geater is the President and CEO of Solvusoft Corporation, a global software company focused on innovative services. He has a lifelong passion for computers and loves everything related to computers, software and new technology.

When trying to access a network folder on another computer, an error occurs: “there is not enough server memory to process the command.”

To solve the problem, you need to do the following on the computer on which the network folder is located:

Click the Start button and select Run.

Type regedit and click OK.

Find the following section:

In the right pane of the Registry Editor window, double-click the IRPStackSize setting.

Note. If the IRPStackSize parameter is missing, create it by following these steps:

In the Parameters registry folder, double-click in the right pane of the Registry Editor window.

Move your cursor to New and click DWord Option.

Attention! The parameter name "IRPStackSize" is case sensitive.

For the "Number system" parameter, select "Decimal".

In the Value field, enter a value greater than the current value.

If the IRPStackSize parameter was created as a result of the steps in step 4, the default value will be 15. We recommend increasing the value by 3. Therefore, if the previous value was 11, enter 14 and click OK.

Close Registry Editor.

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, try increasing the IRPStackSize setting a little more. The maximum value for Windows 2000 is 50 (0x32 in hexadecimal).

The installation of a program or game is often interrupted by the message: “there is not enough memory to process the Windows command” when installing games like WOW, Warcraft 3, Miflash, and even when installing drivers. Although visually there may be enough memory on the hard drive, the installation still ends. Let's look at the error in more detail and find out the reasons for the bug.

There are not enough system resources to complete the operation (Windows 7, 8, 10)

In Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10, users may experience the “ Insufficient system resources to complete the operation ” error when starting a program or game, and sometimes while it is running. At the same time, this can happen on fairly powerful computers with a lot of memory and no visible loads in the device manager.

This guide will detail how to fix the "Insufficient system resources to complete the operation" error and explain why it might occur. The article was written using Windows 10 as an example, but the methods are also relevant for previous versions of Windows.

Steps to resolve out of memory error

Winchester We always start by cleaning your hard drive. We remove all games, applications and other software that is not currently in use. It would be useful to perform the removal using the CCleaner utility. It uninstalls much better than doing everything manually. Additionally, go to the hard drive to move to the “Trash” folder: movies, music, pictures. We clean your system as much as possible from files that simply take up extra space. Be sure to empty the Trash. Try disabling restore points. Their creation takes up a lot of hard drive space. You can find settings by entering the appropriate command in the search field. In the properties of drive C there is a software function for cleaning it (also called).

Cleaning up the C drive

Next to it there is a graphic image with red and blue sectors. After activation, drive C will be scanned. The user will only have to check the boxes next to large amounts of information and click delete.

C drive cleanup process

RAM Let's move on to solving problems with RAM. Each program running on a PC occupies its own special space in the system. If the software stops working correctly or is prevented from doing so, the RAM will begin to overload. Viruses often carry out illegal activities under the guise of certain applications. It is recommended to check the entire hard drive for Trojans. An analogue of a regular antivirus can be its online version. There are no Trojans, then we resort to the help of utilities. There are many utilities, such as RAMRush, that perform RAM optimization. Their installation is simplified to just a few clicks. They are free and intuitive to use. Why utilities are useful:

  • Disable software that is not working correctly;
  • Make changes to RAM settings;
  • They will point out the problem area.

If you have basic knowledge of working with a PC, we try to disable processes manually. Using the task manager, find by name the processes that are not currently involved, but are actively working. It is the process tree that needs to be completed. After these procedures, we again try to install our problematic game or program.

Completing the process tree

Easy Ways to Resolve the “Insufficient System Resources” Error

First, let's look at some simple and quick methods to fix this error and the reasons why it occurs.

  1. If an error occurs immediately when you launch a game or program (often of dubious origin), it may be in your antivirus that is blocking the program. In this case, add the program to anti-virus exceptions or temporarily disable the anti-virus.
  2. If the page file is disabled on your computer (even if there is a lot of RAM) or there is not enough free space on the system partition (2-3 Giga is not enough), this may lead to an error. Try enabling the paging file using the size automatically detected by the system, and make sure you have enough free disk space.
  3. In some cases, the reason is a lack of computer resources to run the program (check the minimum system requirements of the program or game, especially if it is a game like PUBG). Sometimes it happens that in general there are enough resources for a program, but for some productive operations there are not (sometimes this happens with large tables in Excel).

Also, if you see a constant high level of computer resource usage in the task manager even without running programs, try to find the processes that are loading the computer and disable them. At the same time, remember to check for viruses and malware. They often take over most of the resources, sending, for example, spam through your computer.

Other options for troubleshooting memory problems

There is information about bugs that occur on older operating systems. The least number of defects is noted on versions 7 and 10 of Windows.

  • Install them with complete defragmentation of the disk on which your OS was previously located. Also update the system itself to the latest version.
  • If the drivers have been updated recently, roll everything back. Otherwise, we initiate the acquisition of new drivers ourselves. This will help eliminate bugs that arise during their operation. New files are installed in place of the old ones, removing them.
  • Make sure the quality of the assembled software. If the problem occurs only in one specific case, then there is every reason to suspect “pirated”, broken or virus software. Try downloading the file from another source or write to the developers.

The last resort method is to replace the RAM with a new, more powerful module. Sometimes, to run modern games, you need to buy new components, because game creation technologies are constantly improving and no longer work with an old PC.

How to resolve "Insufficient system resources to complete the operation"

Let's try to fix the error using the registry editor:

  1. Open the command line from the Start menu, Run, or the keyboard shortcut WIN+R.
  2. Type "Regedit.exe" followed by the enter key.
  3. Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystem and then open the CurrentControlSetControlSessionManagerMemoryManagament section.
  4. Here you need to create a file called “PoolUsageMaximum”, type – REG_DWORD, set the value for it – 60 in decimal system.
  5. Create another entry with the name – PagedPoolSize, type – REG_DWORD, and hexadecimal value – 0xFFFFFFFF.
  6. Now follow the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentCotrolSet then ServecesLanmanServerParameters.
  7. Create a new file and name it – IRPStackSize, type – REG_DWORD, decimal value – 50.
  8. After making the settings in the Registry Editor, close all windows and restart the computer.

Registry Editor

Fixing an error when the disk is full

Another method should help you solve the error problem when the system disk is full.

To clear it, restart your computer:

  • After the speaker beeps, press Shift.
  • On the monitor you will see a list with ways to boot the OS, select the one you need and confirm your choice by pressing enter.
  • Again during boot, press F8 to select the safe boot mode of the operating system.
  • Once Safe Mode has loaded, press Enter.
  • After you get into it, go to the system disk, which is full and delete unnecessary files that are not system files, so as not to disrupt the operation of the OS.
  • Now we exit the mode and restart the computer with a normal boot. The error problem should be resolved.

Operating system safe boot mode

Often the error “Insufficient system resources to complete the operation” appears when working in Microsoft Excel. This happens because it uses a fairly large number of computational operations. Excel is a very powerful spreadsheet tool and is known for its processing power and is capable of performing hundreds of thousands of operations when circumstances require it. So, when running, the program uses a large amount of computer resources, this can lead to the failure of low-power systems and the appearance of the mentioned error.

In conclusion, it is necessary to say about viruses that can disable even very powerful computer systems. For example, a DoS attack that infects user computers without any symptoms on the user computer side. Therefore, if any failures or errors occur in the system, use high-quality anti-virus software and check the system for viruses by scanning all available local disks.

The essence of the error

First of all, let's understand what the essence of this problem is. The message “Insufficient memory to process the command” may appear in Skype when performing any action: making a call, adding a new user to contacts, etc. At the same time, the program may freeze and not respond to the actions of the account owner, or it may be very slow. But the essence does not change: it becomes impossible to use the application for its intended purpose. Along with the low memory message, the following message may appear: “The instruction at address '0×00aeb5e2' accessed memory at address '0×0000008'.”

This problem appears especially often after updating Skype to the latest version.

system error. Code: 8. Insufficient memory to process the command

I've been searching for 2 years and thanks to Jordi Corbilla the answer I finally got it!

in a few words: Delphi source has bugs that are causing you this problem!

let's figure out what's going on:

Windows has an area of ​​memory called the Atom table, which is used for applications to communicate with each other (see more details).

In addition, Windows has another "memory area" called the "Message System window" that serves the same purpose (see details).

both of these memory areas have "16K slots" each. In the first one, you can remove an atom using the following Windows API:

GlobalDeleteAtom // for removing an atom added by "GlobalAddAtom"

in the second "area", we simply CANNOT DELETE anything!

The RegisterWindowMessage function is typically used to register a message for communication between two collaborating applications. If two different applications log the same message string, the applications return the same message value. The message remains logged until the end of the session .

Delphi compiled applications (at least D7) will put an entry in the "messaging area" and some other entries in the "Atom table" EVERY TIME THEY ARE STARTED . The app tries to remove them when the app is closed, but I have found many (and many) "atom leaks" even after the app is closed.

at this point you can see that if you have a server that runs thousands of applications a day, you should probably hit the 16k limit soon and the problem begins! Solution for now? Nothing but one reboot.

So what can we do? Well my friend, I'm sorry to tell you, but we need to fix the Delphi source code and recompile all the applications.

First open controls.pas and replace the following line:

RM_GetObjectInstance := RegisterWindowMessage(PChar(ControlAtomString));


RM_GetObjectInstance := RegisterWindowMessage('RM_GetObjectInstance');

and then recompile the Delphi packages and your applications.

how I found atom leaks even after closing the application, I created an application that garbage collects any atom left behind. It simply runs the following code every hour:

procedure GarbageCollectAtoms;8) var i, len : integer; cstrAtomName: array [0 .. 1024] of char; AtomName, Value, procName: string; ProcID,lastError : cardinal; countDelphiProcs, countActiveProcs, countRemovedProcs, countCantRemoveProcs, countUnknownProcs : integer; // gets program's name from process' handle function getProcessFileName(Handle: THandle): string; begin Result := "; { not used anymore try SetLength(Result, MAX_PATH); if GetModuleFileNameEx(Handle, 0, PChar(Result), MAX_PATH) > 0 then SetLength(Result, StrLen(PChar(Result))) else Result := "; except end; } end; // gets the last 8 digits from the given atomname and try to convert them to and integer function getProcessIdFromAtomName(name:string):cardinal; var l : integer; begin result := 0; l := Length(name); if (l > then begin try result := StrToInt64('$' + copy(name,l-7,8)); except // Ops! That should be an integer, but it's not! // So this was not created by a 'delphi' application and we must return 0, indicating that we could not obtain the process id from atom name. result := 0; end; end; end; // checks if the given procID is running // results: - 1: we could not get information about the process, so we can't determine if is active or not // 0: the process is not active // ​​1: the process is active function isProcessIdActive(id: cardinal; var processName: string ):integer; var Handle_ID: THandle; begin result := -1; try Handle_ID := OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_VM_READ, false, id); if (Handle_ID = 0) then begin result := 0; end else begin result := 1; // get program's name processName := getProcessFileName(Handle_ID); CloseHandle(Handle_ID); end; except result := -1; end; end; procedure Log(msg:string); begin // Memo1.Lines.Add( msg); end; begin // initialize the counters countDelphiProcs := 0; countActiveProcs := 0; countRemovedProcs := 0; countUnknownProcs := 0; // register some log Log(); Log("); Log('Searching Global Atom Table…'); for i := $C000 to $FFFF do begin len := GlobalGetAtomName(i, cstrAtomName, 1024); if len > 0 then begin AtomName := StrPas(cstrAtomName); SetLength(AtomName, len); Value := AtomName; // if the atom was created by a 'Delphi application', it should start with some of strings below if (pos('Delphi',Value) = 1) or (pos('ControlOfs',Value) = 1) or ( pos('WndProcPtr',Value) = 1) or (pos('DlgInstancePtr',Value) = 1) then begin // extract the process id that created the atom (the ProcID are the last 8 digits from atomname) ProcID := getProcessIdFromAtomName(value); if (ProcId > 0) then begin // that's a delphi process inc(countDelphiProcs); // register some log Log(); Log('AtomName: ' + value + ' - ProcID: ' + inttostr(ProcId) + ' - Atom Nº: ' + inttostr(i)); case (isProcessIdActive(ProcID, procName)) of 0: // process is not active begin // remove atom from atom table SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); GlobalDeleteAtom(i); lastError := GetLastError(); if lastError = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin // ok, the atom was removed with sucess inc(countRemovedProcs); // register some log Log('- LEAK! Atom was removed from Global Atom Table because ProcID is not active anymore!'); end else begin // ops, the atom could not be removed inc(countCantRemoveProcs); // register some log Log('- Atom was not removed from Global Atom Table because function “GlobalDeleteAtom” has failed! Reason: ' + SysErrorMessage(lastError)); end; end; 1: // process is active begin inc(countActiveProcs); // register some log Log('- Process is active! Program: ' + procName); end; -1: // could not get information about process begin inc(countUnknownProcs); // register some log Log('- Could not get information about the process and the Atom will not be removed!'); end; end; end; end; end; end; Log("); Log('Scan complete:'); Log('- Delphi Processes: ' + IntTostr(countDelphiProcs) ); Log(' - Active: ' + IntTostr(countActiveProcs) ); Log(' — Removed: ' + IntTostr(countRemovedProcs) ); Log(' — Not Removed: ' + IntTostr(countCantRemoveProcs) ); Log(' - Unknown: ' + IntTostr(countUnknownProcs) ); TotalAtomsRemovedos := TotalAtomsRemovedos + countRemovedProcs; end;

(this code above was based on the code)

after that I never got that f** error again!

late Update:

Also, this is the source of this error: application error: error address 0x00012afb

How to Fix Insufficient System Resources to Complete the Operation Error in Windows

From the name itself, it becomes clear that the operating system is trying to terminate (or start) the process, but cannot do this due to a lack of these same resources. Often, “resources” refers to RAM. Of course, no one would be surprised by such an error on a computer with 2 GB of RAM (or even less) and 15 open tabs in Google Chrome. The problem is that the error “Insufficient system resources to complete the operation in Windows” can occur even to owners of the most powerful computers that have a lot of RAM and powerful processors. Also, this problem can appear when there is a large amount of free RAM, without visible signals about its shortage, which further discourages the user.

You need to start from the surface of the error and try to answer the obvious question: is your computer really powerful enough for this task. This primarily applies to games, especially poorly optimized games (Not having enough system resources to complete an operation in Warface, PUBG, Fortnite or Crossfire can be a very common problem). Check your computer's compatibility and also try to reduce the number of background applications as much as possible. Close all programs running in parallel with the game or use Windows 10 clean boot mode (without applications that start automatically immediately after logging in) and try to launch the game/application again, and before starting, make sure that nothing else is loading the memory or processor of your computer. In other words, free your computer from unnecessary load as much as possible. Please also keep in mind that your computer may, in principle, have enough power to run an application or game, but some of its modes or functions may consume more resources than are available on your computer.

It also makes sense to check the Windows page file. The error may be caused by the page file itself being simply disabled. Remember that the system needs a paging file even if there is enough RAM, so keep it enabled (and leave it up to the operating system to determine the size of the paging file). In the end, no one has canceled the poor optimization of applications and their memory mechanisms. Also keep in mind that there must be enough free space on the system disk. Applications sometimes create temporary files that can take up a lot of disk space. If there is almost no free space left (it is recommended to keep 10-15 GB or more free), clean up your Windows system disk and then try to run the application again.

If you are dealing with an application from an unknown source (a pirated version, for example, whatever), your antivirus may be causing the “Insufficient system resources” error to occur. Try disabling it, but keep in mind that this is a very risky procedure, especially in the case of unknown applications or pirated versions of them.

Windows bit depth can also lead to the described error. Since 32-bit versions of Windows have severe memory limitations per process, the application can literally “choke” (it simply does not have enough memory) and give the “Insufficient system resources” error. In this case, the only solution is to switch to 64-bit Windows. If your computer has less than 4 GB of RAM, using 64-bit memory may entail some unexpected nuances. If the memory is more than 3.75 GB, then you need to switch to a 64-bit system as soon as possible in order to effectively use the resources of your PC.


If the problem really lies in the reduced functionality mode, that is, when a file created in an old version is opened in a newer one, thereby significantly increasing in size, I advise you to do the following:

  • go to the “File” menu and select “Information”, then click on “Convert”. Thus, you will reduce the file to a very modest size, approximately 200 kb, therefore, the problem of insufficient resources will be irrelevant;
  • Another option is to convert the file format. For example, you can open a document in OpenOffice - this is another office program for Windows 7, then save it in the desired format, and then run the document again in Excel;
  • There is another problem and a way to solve it, although they are much less common. Perhaps, somehow you created a command in a cell, which, in turn, “produces” many other pages, hence it turns out that there are not enough resources in Excel. In this case, you need to press the command [Ctrl]+[End], the program will show you this cell and you just have to clear its contents.

Well, I hope I was able to answer all your questions, and the problem of insufficient resources in Excel is no longer relevant for you.

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