What to do if the first name or last name on VKontakte does not change, or the application is rejected?

Many of us have our own VK account. The popular social network provides ample opportunities for communication, watching videos and listening to music, receiving the latest news and enjoying interactive games. At the same time, one of the important conditions is to work in VK under your real name and surname, which reduces the space for social experiments. Many would like to remain incognito, change their first and last names to fictitious ones, or otherwise disguise their data for various reasons, which is hampered by the current functionality of VKontakte. What to do in such a situation? Below we will look at how you can change your name on VK without checking with an administrator in 2020, and what possibilities exist for this.

Why does VK need real first and last names?

Even 10 years ago, VK was quite tolerant of changing the user’s first and last name. It was easy to create a fake account, register some “Peter the Happy” in them, and conveniently use all the capabilities of the network.

Now VK has significantly tightened the requirements for account registration. Only the user's real first and last name are required, which may need to be supported by a scan of your passport. Why is this happening? This is due to the following:

  • Social networks are a favorite tool of various social movements, including anti-government ones. Knowing the real names and surnames of users, it will be easier for the special services and VK administration to identify the instigators and participants of such actions;
  • Barrier to spammers. It's no secret that many Instagram accounts are fake advertising, often running on the basis of bot programs. By requiring the introduction of users' real first and last names, the VKontakte administration, if not completely blocking, then significantly limits the possibility of creating such fake accounts;
  • More communication. It's no secret that VK is positioned as a network for user communication. Therefore, the more real people with real accounts in VK there are, the higher the level of communication between users.

If you want to change your first and last name in VK (by clicking on your avatar in VK, selecting “Edit” and entering a new first and last name in the appropriate fields), then the new data you entered will be sent for confirmation to the VK administration. If the administrator (moderator) has doubts about the accuracy of your data, the changes will not be approved and you will remain with the same first and last name. The confirmation of new data is carried out throughout the day.

Moreover, if you change your first and last name for the first time, then VK can change them without the participation of the administrator. In other cases, the application to change the name (surname) is sent for approval by the VK administration.

But, as is usually the case, you can try to circumvent many rules. Let's figure out how to change the name in VK without verification 2020.

What to do if VK displays “You are trying to change your name too often”?

These are the rules: in VK you must indicate your real first and last name. But people don’t change their full name often, so in VK there is a limit on how often this can be done. You are allowed to submit an application once a month (usually VK shows what date it can be sent). But it is not a fact that it will be approved. If you want it faster and guaranteed to be approved, only with a document.

Most often, girls change their last name. They give themselves the last name of their boyfriend. When the relationship ends, they want to change their last name back (or change it to the next guy's last name). But VK doesn’t allow me to do this. Too little time has passed!

How can we be here? Just get married. No, it’s not marital status to put in VK. This means going to the registry office, getting married and taking your husband’s last name. Receive a document about changing your last name and show it to VK support service, as described above. If you get divorced, you will return your old last name and change it in VK in the same way.

If your page has fallen into the hands of attackers, they have changed your first and last name and now it’s too long to wait until they can be changed again, contact VK support, but you will also have to wait for an answer there.

How to change name in VK without verification 2020 on PC

Let's look at ways to change your name on VKontakte without checking 2020 on your computer. For the first method, we will need the Opera browser version 12.17 (32 or 64 bit versions). Download and install this browser on your PC.

Then do the following:

  1. Launch your browser and go to your VK account;
  2. Click on your avatar at the top right of the page, select “Edit”;
  3. Place the cursor on the username;
  4. Right-click and select “View element code” in the menu that opens;

    Click on “View element code”

  5. In the field that opens below, find the line with your name and double-click on it;

    Find the line that mentions your name and click on it

  6. Change the name to a new one;

    Change the name to a new one

  7. Close the area with the code by clicking on the cross in the right corner;
  8. Now click on “Save” at the bottom of the page. Save your changes

This method may seem strange (we change the loaded HTML code of the page in our browser window, but on the VK server it remains original). But according to reviews from some users, this method turned out to be absolutely working for them.

Video: how to change your nickname on VK without administrator verification

“How to change your last name without VKontakte administration?”
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Article updated: 06/13/2019

Comments for the site Cackl e

When registering a new user on the VKontakte social network, each newly created account is automatically assigned a purely individual identification number, which, among other things, serves as the default ending of the network address of the user’s web page. But for various reasons, a resource participant may want to change the set of soulless numbers to his own name or pseudonym.

How to change your last name on VKontakte 2020 without administrator verification

The second method will be useful for users who want to change their last name in VK 2020. This method assumes a situation where in reality someone gets married and takes the last name of their partner.

Do the following:

  1. Create a fake one of the opposite sex, where your desired surname will be indicated;
  2. Add this page as a friend to your main page;
  3. Change the marital status of your page to married, and indicate the fake page as the page of your other half;
  4. Confirm your relationship status from the fake page;
  5. Now go to your main page, and change your last name to the last name of your other half (fake page);
  6. Your last name will change without confirmation from the administrator.

You may also be interested in our specialized material on how to change your VK last name without checking with the administrator.

Changing your last name using an additional page

This method is only suitable for changing a surname; the given instructions will not work with a given name. Let's look at how to put a new last name. Let's do the following:

  1. Create a new page where the desired surname will be indicated. In this case, you need to choose a gender (male-female) that corresponds to the gender of the main profile.
  2. Immediately after creation, add one page to another as a friend.
  3. In the settings of the created profile, change the gender from male to female or from female to male.
  4. In Marital Status settings, select “ Dating ” with “ main page username ”.
  5. In the main profile, confirm the change in marital status and immediately, without saving the data, manually change the last name. Please note that it must be entered exactly as in the created profile. Next, click Save, and the data will be changed without being checked by the administration.

After this, it is recommended to restore the gender of the created page or delete it altogether so that the VKontakte does not block both accounts.

How to replace first and last name on social media. networks in Latin

To change the first and last name of VK 2020 in Latin, we need to install a VPN extension on our browser that changes our location to the USA (UK). Such an extension could be “Unlimited Free VPN - Hola” for a number of browsers. Download and install this extension on your browser.

Next, do the following:

  1. Using a browser, go to your VK page;
  2. Click on your avatar and select “Edit”;
  3. In all sections, indicate the USA as your home country, your hometown New York (or another American city), select the language as English, save the changes made;
  4. At the very bottom of the page also indicate the language English;

    Select English

  5. Activate the "Hola" extension and select the country USA. If VK crashes, log into it again, ignore the VK message about logging into the network from the USA;
  6. Now go to your VK profile settings and change your first and last name in Latin; Write your first and last name in Latin letters
  7. Since foreign-language users often change their first and last names in VK 2020 automatically, the application will be approved by robots within half an hour;
  8. After changing your name, you can return to Russian again and indicate your real country of residence.

Trying to change your first or last name

Go to your VKontakte page. Just below your profile photo, there is an “Edit” button. Click on it.

Let's move on to editing the profile

We will immediately move to the “Basic” tab. Here we are interested in two fields - “First Name” and “Last Name”. Here you should enter new data.

To save changes, click on the “Save” button.

We change the first and last name. Then we send the application

Further events can develop as follows.

The application is awaiting moderation

  • The refusal comes immediately
    . This can happen if you enter false data. Nickname, set of letters, etc. You don’t even have to try - such a name won’t work now.

How should we act if the answer is negative? In this case, you need to create a new support request. Here is the direct link:


Indicate in the subject line the need to change your name. Indicate the reason, attach screenshots of supporting documents (see how to take a screenshot on Vkontakte).

Request to change your name to technical support

How to change your name in VK.COM from your phone

Let's also figure out how to change your name in VK from a mobile device 2020. Do the following:

  1. Launch your VK mobile application;
  2. Swipe your finger across the display to bring up the menu;
  3. Tap on the account name;
  4. Click on the button with three vertical dots at the top right and select “Edit Page”; Select "Edit Page"
  5. Change the name to the one you want, then select “Save.” Select a new name, then click on “Save”

We also previously discussed how to listen to music from VK without going into it.

Why change the data?

The most common reason when users are interested in how to quickly change their name on VK without checking with the administrator to any name is the initial creation of a fake page. For the sake of testing, many people enter a random set of characters, gobbledygook, because they are not in the mood to continue working on the social network. In the future, if you want to indicate real data, the functionality of the social network does not allow you to do this.

Often profile changes occur when users unsubscribe or unfollow. It is enough to indicate a different nickname, and you will mislead potential subscribers.

The administration of the social network perceives every attempt as a hack - there is a complete absence of the presumption of innocence. Each user has to prove the sincerity of their intentions.

Naturally, it makes sense to change the nickname if the data has changed.

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