How to see on Facebook who visited the page

Are you tormented by the question of who visits your Facebook page? In this article you will find the latest 5 ways to do it without programs or apps.

The authors of ProfiKomment magazine conducted their own research on this social network, and using the methods described below, you can finally find out who regularly visits your Facebook page.

How to see guests on Facebook

The social network FaceBook has a serious approach to protecting the information of its users. Therefore, there are no official applications or programs for this purpose. However, this social network has several indirect open sources of information, thanks to which you can easily find out about the visitors to your page.

One cannot but agree, there are many reasons to find out such information. For example, a girl quarreled with a guy. He doesn’t write or call - what should I do? We need to understand how he really feels about the current situation? Is there a chance to continue the relationship or not? The ability to find out who looked or visited your Facebook page can help with this.

Well, or another situation. The girl wants to know if anyone likes her. This can also be found out only if you find out the list of guests on your page. How often does this or that person come to visit? For example, in the ProfiKomment magazine there was already an article on how to find out who visited a page on VKontakte. Many left positive reviews, thanking for the help, and also wished to help with the same question on Facebook, which we will now do.

Is it possible to view guests on FB?

It's no secret that social network administrations collect almost all information about users' actions. The transfer of data to intelligence agencies is also not a secret. But how to get at least a small piece of this information, which, moreover, concerns you directly?

Let's think about it. Facebook is a social network that operates all over the world. And the laws of many countries prohibit the distribution of personal information to third parties. And if there was an opportunity to see who visited your page, the social network would soon be flooded with lawsuits. This is the first argument for a negative answer to the question “Are guests visible?” Now let's move on to the second one. As you understand, in order for this or that site or program to show you the information you are interested in, you will almost certainly have to enter your username and password. And this is a great opportunity for scammers to hijack your page and use it for their own dirty purposes.

Method number 1: see who visited the Facebook page through the friends list

In this case, you can find out who is following your Facebook profile through the friends section. How exactly can this be done? First of all, you need to click on the special friends icon so that a window with a hint appears:

Friends on Facebook are located here
After the window appears, you need to click on the “Find Friends” link. This page will tell us everything:

Click on the “Find Friends” link
Now that you have moved to where you need to go, you will need to find the block called “You May Know Them”:

Select the “You May Know Them” list
To find this block, you may have to scroll down a lot on the page, as the blocks go in the following sequence:

  1. View friend requests
  2. Consider friend requests
  3. you may know them

Now that you have found this block with friends you may know, you should know a little trick. The fact is that searching on Facebook and displaying people works according to a certain algorithm. Why do you think he shows people in a certain sequence? Do you think there is no order here, everything is chaotic? No, not like that at all!

In the "You May Know Them" , those who visit you frequently are at the very top of the list. Most likely, this person visits you several times a day, or at least visited you recently. It is impossible to find out exact information on FaceBook, but this is more than enough.

Particular attention should be paid to the pages of those people who do not have mutual friends with you. They are also on this list. Most likely, it is from such a page that a person can come and look at your activity on your profile, finding out what you are living at the moment:

People who are on the list, but do not have mutual friends with them, are obvious guests.
Think for yourself, why would Facebook show people you might know (in its opinion) if you do not have mutual friends with them? It's simple! These people were interested in you or are actively interested if you find them at the top of the list. Therefore, use this and the most reliable method to control who visited your Facebook page.

It is also recommended to check this section every day. To make your control over visitors more effective, you can take a screenshot of this page every day. Then you will see who appeared on the list for the first time, who moved up the list, and who went down. Then you yourself, without any applications or programs, will be able to find out who is actively visiting and viewing your Facebook page. By the way, with this article they read how to make money on Facebook

But these are not all the ways that can help you expose your secret admirers or ill-wishers. Do you agree that a person can be followed not only by someone who has an amorous interest, but also by someone who doesn’t like the specific owner of the page? Therefore, in this case, finding out who is visiting your profile is one of the ways to predict the enemy.

Page code

The problem of whether you can see on Facebook who visited the page worries a lot of users - it’s not so important why you need the information if you want to find a solution. We know what to do to find out the exciting data:

  1. Open your browser;
  2. Log in to your Facebook profile;
  3. Right-click on an empty space on the page;
  4. Select "Show source code";
  5. You can also use the hotkey combination Ctrl + U;
  6. Open the search bar (press Ctrl + F at the same time);
  7. Enter “InitialChatFriendsList” (without quotes);
  8. In the highlighted part of the code you will see the addresses of the profiles that came to look at the account;
  9. There is a number next to the addresses - do not pay attention to it, but simply copy the address and paste it into the address bar of your browser to see the necessary data;

  10. The profile of the visitor who visited you will open.

Separately, about the numbers that are located next to the addresses - this is ranking. The lower the number, the more often the user visits the page. For example, a one indicates that the user logs into the profile constantly.

Method number 2: find out who visited your Facebook page through search

This method can also help you identify who is following your Facebook profile. To do this, you need to go to the search bar in this social network. Try entering the first letter of the name of the person who may be visiting your page:

Enter the first letter of your name into the search.
People who were interested in you also appear in this list. Surely you used to think that the appearance of hints with people in this search occurs in a purely random order. However, in reality this is not the case. Facebook takes into account certain indicators and thus provides suitable tips.

If everything were chaotic, then when searching for someone, the social network could show popular personalities, stars, popular groups. However, this does not happen. People who may not even be known to you appear in the tips. And before, you didn’t think at all who was on this list.

But now know for sure! These are the people who visit your profile. And by the way, you can go through all the letters in a row in the alphabet and find out with a 100% guarantee all the people, even people you don’t know, who are interested in you. Surely they don’t know about this method yet, so you can safely go to their pages and find out who it is. And here look how to make money on the Internet!

But don't fall into the trap yourself! After all, there are ways to identify guests on a page through trap links. They can be classified as 3 ways to determine your visitors on the page.

We spy on “guests” using indirect methods

You can find out who visited a Facebook page only through roundabout ways. But these are far from safe options. At one time, special services constantly appeared on the Internet that supposedly could help you find out who visited your page. However, under the guise of these services, scammers either distributed viruses or requested payment for a service that simply does not exist.

Be extremely vigilant when agreeing to the services of some supposedly effective program for spying on the activities of other users. Most often, these applications are just tools of scammers.

Method #1: “You May Know Them” section

You can find out about attendance in this way. On the right, in the “You May Know Them” box, you can see who recently visited your page. But you won’t see any statistical data or the exact day (let alone time) of your visit - this is simply impossible. Only recent guests of your page are displayed there, nothing more.

By clicking on the “See all” button, the entire list of your guests on Facebook will open in front of you. But you won’t find accurate information there either. Of course, you can visit this section every day, then it will be easier to identify your “new” guests.

Method #2: Trap Links

Another way to catch “visitors” who visited your page are trap applications. On your page you place a link and those who click on it come across your “network”. You will also not get a 100% result, since this is a very well-known trick and few people already fall for it.

Watch the video on the topic:

The Complete Guide to Using Facebook

Method No. 3: finding guests by letter

Are guests visible on Facebook? We have already found out that no. However, there is a fairly simple way that allows you to calculate the visitors to your page. True, it has a significant drawback: to get a complete list and track dynamics, you will have to spend at least half an hour a day on this. But if it's important and you're willing to devote the necessary time, adopt this method.

Type any letter in the search bar, and the system will display a list of people whose names contain this letter.

It may seem like these are completely random people, but no! The first in the list will be the profile of a person you were recently interested in - or who was interested in you, even if he is not on your friend list. Having discarded the people whose page you yourself visited, you will see a list of your own “secret admirers”.

By methodically entering letters, you can create a list of people who recently visited your page. And if you carry out this operation regularly, you will see people who visit your Facebook profile with enviable consistency - even if they try not to leave any traces.

Method number 3: how to find out who visited my Facebook page through a trap link

This method cannot be called the most effective, but it is also useful. We will create a link trap with the help of classmates. What's the trick?

The fact is that many people have a profile on all social networks. Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular social networks. And in Odnoklassniki, just the same, there is an opportunity to see who is coming to visit.

In our case, we need to lure a person to follow the link so that he clicks and ends up in Odnoklassniki, where he will be registered. This link, of course, needs to be masked. But let's take things in order. First, go to Odnoklassniki and create a note with text, for example, “Hello!” :

Create a post in Odnoklassniki,
check the “note status” and share the post:

Copy the address of the post by clicking on the text.
After that, you need to click on the word hello after publishing this note to copy the link to the post:

Copy the link address
Now we have a link, but it is not suitable for us, since from it we can immediately understand that it will lead to Odnoklassniki. Google will help us get out of this situation. It has a convenient service for shortening and, at the same time, masking links. Although not only Google can shorten and mask links. There are many other services:

Shorten the link using Google Shorten
In order to get a disguised shortened link in Odnoklassniki, you need to enter the link in the input field, as shown in the picture above and click “shorten URL” :

Paste the link from classmates into the line and click “shorten url”.
After this, a window will appear where you need to click on the copy icon for the received link:

Copy the short link by clicking on the cubes
Now we go back to Facebook. In order for a person to click on the link, he needs to be offered something juicy that he cannot resist and will definitely click on the link and succumb to the intrigue.

If you are a girl, then you can use a trick with a recording like: “oh, I was walking down the street and my skirt fell off”... Any man interested in you will certainly click on this.

If you are a guy and want to figure out the girl who visits your page, then you can use a trick with an entry like: “we were having fun with friends, and this is what happened at the club”...

Of course, you can come up with your own decoy trap, but in general they look the same. Now let's move on to practice. Paste a shortened masked link into a post on the Facebook wall:

Insert the link into Facebook and remove the window that automatically appears.
To avoid exposing yourself, you need to remove the window that automatically appears with the link, as shown in the figure. Instead, upload an intriguing picture. For example, if you are a girl, you can find something similar in Yandex pictures on the topic of skirts. Have you added a picture? Submitting an entry to publication:

We select a picture and an intriguing post on our own
Now, when a guest visits your page, he will probably follow the link. And when he goes over, he will eventually see a post on your Odnoklassniki page with the word “Hello!” . And thus you can go to the guests section in Odnoklassniki and see who was interested in you:

We follow guests on Facebook through Odnoklassniki
Here are all the most popular ways to find out who visited your Facebook page without any applications or programs. However, there are also fourth and fifth methods that you should also know about.

By the way, the authors of the ProfiComment magazine do not recommend that you download any programs or scripts from the Internet that may promise to show you your guests on Facebook. Otherwise, you may lose your logins and passwords to the page, or even infect your computer, laptop or smartphone with malicious viruses. Better act in safe ways that will help you view guests on Facebook.

Maybe there are still workarounds?

Still, is it possible to find an option that allows you to track page visitors? Take our word for it: there is no safe way. At one time, special services often appeared on the Internet, supposedly allowing you to find out who visited the page. More often than not, such sites themselves turned out to be traps. They either demanded payment for a non-existent service, or hid programs with viruses on their pages. Therefore, if some resource offers you an effective program for spying on user activity on Facebook, be extremely careful. Curiosity is not worth lost money and secret data.

The only thing you can more or less rely on is decoy apps. You can find them not only on Facebook, but also, for example, on VKontakte. They are a simple-to-use application, by installing which you receive a personal link. Paste this link into your contact information and expect your guests to fall into a trap - you need to look at the list directly in the application itself. Of course, one hundred percent results cannot be guaranteed, since most users know about the existence of such applications and simply do not follow the links.

You will not be able to find out which users only viewed your page. However, some activity will not go unnoticed. For example, “likes” and comments. Naturally, this is not a completely indicative option, but within Facebook you can’t count on more, because the management of the social network cares about the safety and privacy of its users.

People are inherently very curious creatures, so it is not surprising that users of one of the most famous social networks have a long-standing question: how to see guests who have visited a Facebook page.

  • Why isn't there a "Guests" feature on Facebook?
  • We spy on “guests” using indirect methods

Let us warn you right away that the Facebook network does not officially inform you about the guests of your page, so you don’t have to waste your precious time at the monitor looking for such information. Therefore, it will be quite difficult to find out who exactly visited your page and how many times. But there are still small loopholes, which we will tell you about now.

Method number 4: watch guests on Facebook through a private profile

If you want to know exactly who visits your Facebook page, you can limit the circle of people to whom your profile will be available.

In addition, you can even hide your page from search so that you cannot be found. It is very comfortable. For example, you want to create a new profile with your real name, but you don’t want old friends to look for you and eventually find you. Therefore, you can completely hide from unwanted eyes while remaining an active user of the social network.

What do you need to do for all this? Everything is in your privacy settings. To get to the desired page and configure everything, you need to click on the small arrow in the upper right corner of your page and select the “Settings” section:

Here are the Facebook settings.
On the page that opens, you need to go to the “Privacy” sub-item:

Select the Privacy section
Now you need to change a few features that are important to you so that only your friends can see your posts. And also so that no one can find your page in search if you don’t want it:

Restrict your page from uninvited guests.
To change the settings, to the right of the desired function, select the edit button and select the one you need from the proposed options:

You can change the settings using the “Edit” button
. By setting privacy, you will certainly know who sees your activity on your profile. This method is suitable for those who know exactly who they want to communicate with and who they don’t. At the initial stage, it filters people with whom you are ready to share your private information. Do you like to surprise with statuses? Check out the selection!

There are, of course, many more different ways to view your guests on Facebook online. However, some either do not work or are questionable. For example, one of the methods that programmers are actively promoting on the Internet (in quotes) has many negative reviews, but the authors of ProfiComment decided to talk about it too.

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