It’s hard to hear your interlocutor on the phone - what to do?

Why can't I hear the person I'm talking to on Skype?


Modern high-speed Internet provides ample opportunities for communication, which has no boundaries or barriers. Unfortunately, even here can have its own troubles. When using Skype, many may encounter a problem when one interlocutor cannot hear the other. Now we will try to deal with this annoying situation.

First you need to determine who has the problem. Basically, there are two options here - either there is a problem with the sound output device for the one who cannot hear, or with the recording device for the second one. As practice shows, most often it is impossible to predict in advance what exactly the problems will be in each individual case. Let's try to figure everything out in order.

Main reasons for quiet sound

Before moving on to any action, you need to determine the reason for the quiet sound of the speaker. There are not so many main reasons, here they are:

  • The problem is on the side of the cellular operator, for example, a bad signal.
  • The problem is on the interlocutor’s side, for example, the telephone microphone is not working well or the voice is too quiet.
  • Speaker volume is low (press the volume rocker up during a call and check the result).
  • The cut of the earpiece is too dirty (you need to clean it with a cotton swab) or the protective glass glued over it.
  • Incorrect position of the phone during a conversation, i.e. The cut of the earpiece is too far from the auricle.
  • Forgotten connection of the phone to wireless headphones or speaker.

Checking the audio output device

Let's start with the audio output device. First, you should check whether it works at all. Absolutely any third-party method will do - turn on the music, go into the game, and so on. It would be a shame if the conversation had to be postponed simply because the sound was turned off in the speakers, wouldn’t it? If there is sound everywhere except Skype, then you should work in the program itself.

Lesson: No sound on the computer

First, you need to call the connection testing service - this contact is by default for each account, and is called “Echo/Sound Test Service”.

If the user does not hear the answering machine after connecting, then you should check the settings of the audio output devices.

Checking the audio output device

To do this, you will need to check whether the program is using the correct device as the main one for audio output.

  1. You need to go to the settings along the path: “Tools” -> “Settings”
  2. And there, select the “Sound Settings” item, and check that the main playback device is listed in the “Speakers” field.
  3. After this, you need to call the connection testing service again.

Other solutions

If this does not solve the problem, then you should look deeper into how audio works on your computer. Possible solutions could be:

  • Reinstalling audio drivers;
  • Restarting the computer;
  • Setting the individual volume of programs in the “Volume Mixer” (it may well turn out that the sound is turned off on Skype);
  • Scan your computer for viruses.

Lesson: How to clean your computer from viruses

Reason 4: Skype settings

If all the previous tips did not help, and the sound does not play only in this program, most likely it is not configured correctly. In the “Tools” menu, click on “Settings”.

Next, go to the “Sound Settings” section. Make sure that the correct device is installed in the “Speakers” item, and change it if necessary.

You can click on the start button to test the selected device. The sound should appear.

There are many reasons why you may not hear your interlocutor. Follow all instructions, and if the problem persists, uninstall Skype and install the latest version.

Checking the audio recording device

Let's say that all checks are passed, the sound definitely works perfectly. The second option remains - problems with the interlocutor’s audio recording device. To solve the problem, he also needs to call the Echo contact and test his microphone.

The answering machine will ask you to say something after the beep so that the system can record and output back as audio. If the user, after the listening stage, hears his voice exactly as he spoke before, then the device is working correctly. Otherwise, you should check your microphone.

Checking your microphone in Windows

First you should test its overall performance. Any third-party audio recording software is suitable for this. Windows' native device testing tools are also suitable.

  1. This is located at: “Control Panel” -> “Sound”
  2. Recording Tab
  3. Here you can go to the properties of your microphone, go to the “Listen” tab, then check the “Listen from this device” checkbox and click the “Apply” button. After this, the user will hear himself from the speakers, provided that the microphone is working correctly.
  4. If this does not happen, then you should disconnect and reconnect the audio recording device, try updating or reinstalling the drivers (if required), and restart the computer. As a rule, after such manipulations the microphone begins to work.

Setting up a microphone in Skype

If you were able to check and establish that the recording device is working correctly, then you should configure it in Skype itself.

  1. This is located in the program at:
    “Tools” -> “Settings” -> “Sound Settings”
  2. Here you should make sure that the correct device is indicated in the “Microphone” column. You should also try adjusting its sensitivity.
  3. Any changes should be applied and tested by calling a communications testing service.

It may happen that the device is working correctly, but for some reason Skype does not detect it and does not offer it for installation as a standard microphone. In such a situation, you should reinstall the device, restart the computer, and also reinstall the program itself.

Well, in the end, it should be added that if none of the above helps, then there may always be the last possible problem - a technical one. The computer's audio jacks may be damaged or malfunction, and they themselves may simply be broken. In this situation, you should resolve the issue accordingly - contact service, or replace the broken device.

Tell your friends on social networks

Why is it hard to hear your voice on the phone?

If your friend’s voice is practically inaudible from the mobile speakers, the culprit may be one of three parties: your phone, the phone of the interlocutor and the cellular operator. The reasons can also lie in the basic settings of the mobile phone, or they can be more serious: speaker failure. Since the advent of cellular communications, the process of “catching” a signal has not lost its relevance today. In many villages and areas remote from cell towers, subscribers still have to search for the best conditions for making calls.

The main problem is faulty or poorly maintained speakers of mobile devices. Almost any phone model protects the sound of the device being played with a special mesh. And it often becomes clogged with dust, debris from our pockets and other impurities. Cleaning them will help strengthen the interlocutor's voice if the muffling is minor. If there is no sound coming out of the speakers at all, then it’s time to take your cell phone to the nearest service center for repair. But don’t rush to send the device in for repair just yet. Our recommendations should help even in difficult situations.

  1. Yuri 05/10/2017

    I checked everything, everything works, the sound is not turned off anywhere, I reinstalled Skype twice, but during the test call I don’t hear the echo and I can’t hear my interlocutor, but he hears me. What to do?


      Kait.15 05/11/2017

      Have you considered the option that the problem is not on your side, but on the side of your interlocutor? Does his microphone work, can other interlocutors hear him normally on Skype?


  2. Anna 08/08/2017

    Good day. I have such a strange problem, not only can I not hear the interlocutor, but there is also no call and no signal when loading Skype itself. There are no problems with the computer - the sound is played, the microphone records. The interlocutors are also fine, I can hear them from other computers. But from my own - no! I downloaded new versions of Skype from the office. site and reinstalled it several times - nothing helps! Thanks in advance for your reply.


      Kait.15 08/09/2017

      Hello. If there is no sound on the computer only in Skype, try right-clicking on the sound icon in the lower right corner of the computer screen and selecting “Volume Mixer” in the additional list that appears. The screen will display the sound settings window for various applications, including Skype (Skype must be running at this moment). If necessary, adjust the sound volume by moving the slider to a higher position.


  3. Valentina 10/16/2017

    Why am I not on Skype on my tablet? I hear my interlocutor. I can hear them all well on the laptop. Help grandma.


    Kait.15 10/17/2017

    Make sure your tablet is set to the optimal volume. In more rare cases, the cause of the problem may be the incorrect operation of the Skype application (in this case, you will need to remove it from the tablet, and then download and install it again).


Why doesn't the microphone on my phone work?

First, let's delve a little deeper into the technical sphere of the problem. A microphone is an electromechanical device that converts sound waves into an electrical signal. Thus, for it to function, at least two conditions must be met. Firstly, it is necessary to ensure unhindered passage of sound to the sensitive element, and secondly, the microphone must be in good working order.

And if these conditions are met, the processor receives correct digital data, and nothing else depends on the microphone.

However, the formulation of the question should be expanded. The fact is that the problem due to which the interlocutor can no longer hear your voice is not necessarily related to the performance of the microphone. The reason for the lack of sound may be due to application settings, “glitches” of the smartphone’s operating system, and even a malfunction of the speaker in your interlocutor’s mobile phone.

Let's look at the most common situations.

If the problem is not resolved

In most cases, these tips help solve the problem. If you fail to do this, there are only a few options left.

The simplest of them is that for some reason your computer does not accept headphones without drivers. You need to install the necessary drivers, preferably the latest versions, to completely solve the problem.

It's worse if the problem is in the microphone. Often, with prolonged use or improper storage, the wires are simply damaged. It is quite clear that this leads to such problems. Repairing a device is often significantly more expensive than buying a new one. So try another external microphone and check if the problem is resolved. The same can be said about cases when an external webcam is used. If you use an internal microphone or webcam, the problem is further exacerbated - they are not so easy to replace. The laptop or computer will have to be taken to a specialist in the repair and maintenance of office equipment.

When using external webcams and microphones, the problem may lie in the sockets. Careless or frequent use can damage them. And in this case, there is also only one solution - take it to specialists who will assess the complexity of the repair. Of course, CopyPrinter specialists can help you solve these, as well as many other problems. The company has been known for many years and has managed to earn an impeccable reputation among clients.

Communication problems

A common problem with communication on Skype is the quality of communication. If one of the interlocutors has a weak transmission speed, the other will only hear him partially. There may be an intermittent signal or occasional loss of sound. If all these “symptoms” are present, the problem is a communication problem.

Often the Skype program itself reports that you have insufficient Internet connection speed. In such a situation, the call is terminated. This problem, unfortunately, is the most difficult. Maybe the provider (yours or your interlocutor’s) is carrying out technical work. Or there are temporary problems. And when everything is normal, you will be able to communicate. But if it doesn't stop for a long time, most likely your Internet connection is simply not fast enough. In such a situation, you need to change your provider to get a faster connection.

The problem is in your computer

“I can’t hear the other person well, what should I do?!” — many forums are full of similar questions, and in 90% of cases the answer is simple: your speakers are turned off or the built-in speakers are not working. What could be the solution? Adjust the sound level on the speakers themselves, or do it on the computer. If you have MacOS, then you need to look for the desired icon in the upper right corner of the screen (in the example it is highlighted in blue):

Volume icon

If you have a different operating system, then pay attention to the lower right corner of the screen - the essence is exactly the same.

To check the activity of your speakers, simply turn on any song or video: if the sound is heard, then the problem is something else. It makes sense now to look into the settings of Skype itself. Here's an example of how everything looks on MacOS; on Windows everything is about the same, it just looks a little different visually:

Sound settings in Skype

Make sure that everything here is at least as in the example. Particular attention is paid to the line “Volume”. Now you know why it’s hard to hear on Skype from your side. You just need to turn up the volume and check whether it is there at all. Nothing complicated.

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